[bit.listserv.christia] Good Witch?

XVDHMAK@VCUVM1 (Michael Kline) (01/12/90)

     The purpose of witchcraft is to obtain the spiritual "power". The
 "good" witches use it to help people. That sounds good, but it's the power
 they use that is "bad". Even if one can "make" demonic spirits do what they
 want, what difference does that make? If someone uses the power of God to
 cure people and the like, then they are not a witch, but a Christian.

     Now, what is that power for? To get rich? To curse a bad person to make
 them leave a good person alone? Normally not. While there was a story of a
 witches coven that healed an astronaut, they are not normally into that.
 They use their power to manipulate. From what I've heard, this is where the
 problem is, the manipulation, the "I want so I conjure". Even if it were a
 very small thing a witch were to do some type of voodoo for, the plain fact
 of conjuring, for what ever is asking someone (or something) other than
 God. That person is placing that source, what ever it is, above God. I
 think this is what would anger God.

     They might be quite nice as people, but the Bible plainly tells us to
 avoid speaking with other spirits, and that our God is a jealous God and
 will not share His Glory.

     Something else, maybe. I've been around a great deal of healers, great
 teachers and the like, and yes we have the exception like Jim and Tammy
 Baker, the ones I see, when something truly WONDERFUL happens will say,
 "Don't thank me, thank Jesus." Hopefully y'all have seen this yourself. Who
 do the witches talk about? Do they say, "Don't thank me, thank Satan" or
 "Don't thank me, thank Merlin" or do they say, "You're very welcome."
 (After all *I* did that for you.)

     This morning Ed Cole was talking again, and said anything carried to
 the extreme becomes error. Taking something to the extreme is perversion and
 perversion is not of God.

     I was once told that good was an extension of God meaning to be like
 God, giving, etc. If that were the case, witches would not be good, but if
 you want, I guess we could say that witches might be "good", but that they
 are not Godly.

     As an exercise, could you post some stuff from Mere Christianity and
 for those that have the scriptures, let's post some of them.

     Sort of as a sidenote on witches. There was Napoleon, Hitler, and the
 other great "evil" dictators, who may or may not have been "blessed" by
 Satan. I can't think of any of them that lived in Glory that didn't die a
 horrible death or "lived in peace" all of their days. Is my memory failing
 or am I right? I know there have been Christian martyrs, but they go on to
 eternal life. What does the "un" Christian have to look forward to?

     I don't think Christianity is an easy life, but I sort of like Paul who
 said "Woe to me if I don't do it(live it)". There was this person that had
 a masters degree in just about every theology there was. He was a born
 again Christian and thought to be one of the most intelligent Christians
 around. Some reporters were asking him, "In all your years of education and
 obtaining all your degrees, what is the most 'outstanding' truth you would
 want to share with your fellow believers?" He told them the following:

     Jesus loves me,
     This I know,
     For the Bible tells me so.
     Little ones to Him belong,
     They are weak,
     But He is strong.

     Has anyone heard a similar story?

                In His Love,

                  Michael A. Kline, Sr. SSE
                  VDH, Technical Support
                  XVDHMAK at VCUVM1

XVDHMAK@VCUVM1 (Michael Kline) (01/13/90)

 I logged on last night with 69 files and got blown off our system.
 When I logged on this morning, I had 28 files. I think this note
 might have been lost in what ever happened here so I am sending
 it again.

     The purpose of witchcraft is to obtain the spiritual "power". The
 "good" witches use it to help people. That sounds good, but it's the power
 they use that is "bad". Even if one can "make" demonic spirits do what they
 want, what difference does that make?

     Now, what is that power for? To get rich? To curse a bad person to make
 them leave a good person alone? Normally not. While there was a story of a
 witches coven that healed an astronaut, they are not normally into that.
 They use their power to manipulate. From what I've heard, this is where the
 problem is, the manipulation, the "I want so I conjure". Even if it were a
 very small thing a witch were to do some type of voodoo for, the plain fact
 of conjuring, for what ever is asking someone (or something) other than
 God. That person is placing that source, what ever it is, above God. I
 think this is what would anger God.

     They might be quite nice as people, but the Bible plainly tells us to
 avoid speaking with other spirits, and that our God is a jealous God and
 will not share His Glory.

     Something else, maybe. I've been around a great deal of healers, great
 teachers and the like, and yes we have the exception like Jim and Tammy
 Baker, the ones I see, when something truly WONDERFUL happens will say,
 "Don't thank me, thank Jesus." Hopefully y'all have seen this yourself. Who
 do the witchs talk about? Do they say, "Don't thank me, thank Satan" or
 "Don't thank me, thank Merlin" or do they say, "You're very welcome."
 (After all I did that for you.)

     This morning Ed Cole was talking again, and said anything carried to
 the extreme becomes evil. Taking something to the extreme is perversion and
 perversion is not of God.

     I was once told that good was an extension of God meaning to be like
 God, giving, etc. If that were the case, witches would not be good, but if
 you want, I guess we could say that witches might be "good", but that they
 are not Godly.

     As an exercise, could you post some stuff from Mere Christianity and
 for those that have the scriptures, let's post some of them.

     Sort of as a sidenote on witches. There was Napoleon, Hitler, and the
 other great "evil" dictators, who may or may not have been "blessed" by
 Satan. I can't think of any of them that lived in Glory that didn't die a
 horrible death or "lived in peace" all of their days. Is my memory failing
 or am I right? I know there have been Christian martyrs, but they go on to
 eternal life. What does the "un" Christian have to look forward to?

     I don't think Christianity is an easy life, but I sort of like Paul who
 said "Woe to me if I don't do it(live it)". There was this person that had
 a masters degree in just about every theology there was. He was a born
 again Christian and thought to be one of the most intelligent Christians
 around. Some reporters were asking him, "In all your years of education and
 obtaining all your degrees, what is the most 'outstanding' truth you would
 want to share with your fellow believers?" He told them the following:

     Jesus loves me,
     This I know,
     For the Bible tells me so.
     Little ones to Him belong,
     They are weak,
     But He is strong.

     Has anyone heard a similar story?

                In His Love,

                  Michael A. Kline, Sr. SSE
                  VDH, Technical Support
                  XVDHMAK at VCUVM1