[bit.listserv.christia] Symbols - MJM

MJMCCULL@OWUCOMCN (Mike McCully) (01/14/90)

I was listening to the radio last night and heard part of a John Muncy show
(for those of you who have never heard of him, like I hadn't, he seems to
be a Christian version of Morton Downey, Jr. -- a down-to-earth person
who likes to have controversial topics on his show and interacts a lot
with his audience).  He was discussing the symbol of the "crescent moon
and star", which he argued was an occult symbol being applied secretly
(without the average person's knowledge) to various things in American
culture.  For example, if I remember correctly, this symbol was on
the cover of Prince's _1999_ album, Jon Bon Jovi or someone in his band
had it tattooed on his body, and it is found (on top of?) a well-known
mosque in Perrysburg, Ohio (near Toledo).

This discussion raised several questions in my mind.

(1) At least in the portion of the show that I heard, it was never clear
what this symbol was supposed to mean, in the beliefs of the people
who actually utilized it.  What is the occult interpretation? I would
suspect that Islamic people give it a completely different interpretation;
does anyone have knowledge in this regard?

(2) The second issue relates to why this type of symbol is "bad".
I can think of two possibilities, and I am interested in your opinions.

(a) One potentially scary fact is that symbols are attractive
and psychologically powerful; Christians may become attracted to the symbol
itself (in a non-verbal way) and then later may be attracted by
non-Christian verbal interpretations of such symbols, and thus fall away
from the faith.  I agree this could be a danger, though my personal
response would tend to be an effort to "Christianize" the symbol rather than
getting rid of it (admittedly Christianization is not always a practical
strategy, for example if one had tried to do this with the swastika
in Nazi Germany).

(b) Some conservative Christians have told me
that symbols themselves have power, even if the average person
has no knowledge of this.  For example, if you buy an album that has
an occult symbol on it, the music will have an evil effect on
your life regardless of how innocent the songs seem, and regardless
of whether you intended to invite Satan in, because the symbol
itself is evil and its presence in your house provides
Satan an opening through which to attack you.  Similarly, I lived
with a Christian one summer who took consecrated oil and anointed
all the doors in the house with a cross, trusting that this symbol would
protect everyone in the house, both Christians like myself and our
non-Christian roommates who presumably didn't put much faith in
the cross (and who perhaps didn't even know what he had done, because he did
it when most of us were at work and the oil itself left few traces on the
wood).  Personally I have a hard time understanding how
symbols could have power in the absence of a human person's
belief.  I feel that the psychological power of symbols for good and
evil is mostly a learned behavior, culturally taught.  People who
have no knowledge of what the symbol means can't be affected by it.
If material objects or symbols could be "blessed" and have a power
for good or evil on everyone they come in contact with, why don't
we have more empirical evidence of the effectiveness of this?
Having stated this opinion, let me add that I remain genuinely
open-minded about the matter and am interested in hearing other
people's opinions, both Biblical evidence that people
might wish to cite as well as philosophical reasoning, and any
personal stories.


D2MG@SDSUMUS (Kurt Evans) (01/14/90)

Mike M.,

     I pretty much agree with your position on the power of symbols.
In 1 Corinthians 8:4, it says, "An idol is nothing in the world" (also
translated "an idol has no real existence"), which I take to mean that
it is physically powerless unless demons choose to change their behavior
in response to it.  It seems unlikely that they would do so apart from
some kind of human faith being placed in it.

     Many Christians believe the mark of the beast will be one of the
occult symbols such as Nero's Cross (also known as the "peace symbol"),
which society is seduced into accepting.  I think this idea is certainly
plausible, but I also think Christians should keep an open mind about
end-time prophecy.  God will show us clearly what we need to know when
we need to know it.
                                       In Christ,