LISTP@WABASH (01/15/90)
The grace only proponents of salvation have - as far as I am concerned - missed the boat when it comes to what it meants to accept Christ. To accept Christ, means not just to recognize him as the savior, the Son of God, the Messiah. It means to accept the living Lord INTO YOUR HEART, to let HIM rule your life. To be a follower of Christ means to live your life as Christ lived his, to continue in his path, to reflect him in your daily life. The question every Christian should ask when faced with a situation is "What would Christ do?" for that is what we are to do. If we do not live the Christ life, if we do not let Christ live within us and through us, if our lives do not reflect Christ in this world, then our faith is dead, and as far as I am concerned we have no salvation. /////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Well, I missed the discussion that lead up to this, and I dare say its a good thing too, but I take issue with the characterizations of the "grace only" people (of which I am one.) I could give pages of quotes from such prominant "grace only" theologians from Wendt to Walther to Melangthon to the coiner of "sola gracia" himself directly contradicting Mr. Yoke's statements. It is often erroniously claimed that Luther had no use for works. Luther most certainly did- they are the outward manifestation of our acceptance of God's grace. ... I could say more, but since I missed what went on last week, I'll stop now for fear of restating what has already been said. I would challenge Mr. Yoke or anyone else to find a statement by Luther or any other "sola gracia" theologian since which would propose that one can accept God's gracce without being changed by it; that a person who claims "I have accepted God's gift of salvation" and yet does not try to stop sinning has truely accepted Jesus. pETER a. lIST