[net.music] music stores in D.C. area?

becker@uiucdcsb.Uiuc.ARPA (07/31/85)

  I shall be moving out east to Manassas Virginia shortly. Can anyone
recommend a good professional-type music store (one that sells guitars,
synthesizers, etc.) in the D.C. area? Please mail me your suggestions.

Craig Becker
somewhere in Illinois ...ihnp4!uiucdcs!becker

davida@umd5.UUCP (08/05/85)

>   I shall be moving out east to Manassas Virginia shortly. Can anyone
> recommend a good professional-type music store (one that sells guitars,
> synthesizers, etc.) in the D.C. area? Please mail me your suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Craig Becker
> somewhere in Illinois ...ihnp4!uiucdcs!becker


    Not being a musician myself, I'm not exactly sure of the spelling
of these places, but they seem to be the two best in the area:

      Chuck Levin's Music Store
      Venneman Music

Welcome to the area, Craig!
David Arnold
University of Maryland
usenet:  ...!seismo!rglvax!cvl!umd5!davida
ARPA:    davida@umd5.ARPA

shor@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (Melinda Shore) (08/07/85)

I'm a lapsed musician who grew up in Virginia, so I've had some experience
with stores in the area.  Chuck Levin gives good price breaks for cash,
but forget about dealer support.  The best place to find printed music is
Dale Music on Georgia Ave. in Silver Spring, Md.  In addition to having a
tremendous amount of material in stock (which they let you browse), they
have some unusual stuff.  They've got a large selection of new music,
including most of the Peters publications.
Melinda Shore                               ..!ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!shor
University of Chicago Computation Center    Staff.Melinda%chip@UChicago.Bitnet