[bit.listserv.christia] Peace Symbol



Even if the 'peace' symbol was once a symbol used by satanists, does it
mean that all the people who've only ever understood it to mean 'peace'
are unwittingly serving satan?

Does the symbol have power in and of itself?

I really doubt it.  It's just a stupid symbol, and it can mean anything
you want it to.  That's what it means for something to be a symbol.  Symbol
means it represents some concept, but by itself it's not the concept; it's
just lines and circles.

People used to ascribe magical properties to numbers.  Does that mean we
are unwittingly casting magic spells every time we balance our checkbooks?

I'm sorry, I really don't understand the relevance or hoopla of this
discussion on symbols.


LIAK9248@WOOSTER (01/17/90)

God's grace, peace and love be with you, now and always. Amen.
   Greetings to all. Maybe I can offer some thoughts on the peace symbol stuff.
What I sence here is that there are three different meanings attached to the
same symbol: A)An Apostle's faith in choosing to die on a cross upside down
             B)A satanic symbol for Christ's defeat
             c)A sign for peace.
Now, are any of these more or less valid than the other? Or do symbols simply
mean what people choose to make out of them?.....
Actually, my answer is that yes, one of these is more valid, and no, symbols do
not mean simply what people choose to make out of them.

    I have nothing to say to possibility A). A church that chooses to identify
with a particular saint should use a symbol to signify that association.
However, it is B) and C) I'd like to deal with. As is true with anything truly
from Satan, there is nothing truly creative in this symbol being a sign of
Christ's defeat. I am sure it was probably copied from a church. It is the goal
of Satan to deceive as much as possible. One way is to make a symbol for
holiness a  symbol for unholiness. It is further a common trick of Satanists to
take a satanic symbol and water it down, or make it seem good to the public.
This is done all the time in the new age (ie using words like
christ-consciousness, global awareness and world peace, which mean one thing to
the common american and christian, but something else altogether to them). I
believe this is what has happened here: a satanic symbol being converted into a
peace symbol.
   The reason I believe this is 1)the time the symbol came out 2)the kind of
"peace" it inspired 3)how it was actually used 4)what it actually accomplished.
The symbol came out during the sixties, when rock and roll was changing the
world, when the youth of this country were fighting for ideals, when the "age
of aquarias" (New age) was everyone's goal...it was a time of total deception.
The rock and roll industry was exploited completely by satanists to control the
youth ( a hefty claim-if anyone is interested, I can provide info) of the
western world. The new age was mixed with the kind of idealism that even
christians were taken in by it (only a set-up for the real movement we see
today...now in the corporations and not in the parks and colleges). And finally
there was a division between generations that resulted in finger-pointing and
division of family. Much good came out of the sixties. What we don't often
notice is the evil that deceptively came along with it, and now has secured
itself in the fabric of America today (ie drugs, new age, eastern religions,
etc). So what does this have to do with the peace symbol? Since Satan was
having a field day in our idealism and "we can save the world" attitude, it
brings the peace symbol into suspicion, since it stands for what happened in
the sixties.
    What do people usually think of when they see the peace symbol... a lot of
nostalgic things. Woodstock, "make love, not war", protests, "don't trust
anyone over 30", transcendental meditation, mind expanding drugs, deep feeling
of friendship and oneness with the earth. All of these are illusions of
goodness that failed. They ultimately were paths everyone thought would lead to
the idealistic society-they were deceived. And who did the deceiving? Who is
known as the Great Deceiver? Satan. All the things the peace symbol is
associated with are the very tools Satan used to deceive us.
    Now, what has this peace sign actually accomplished? I don't think it
actually brought much peace at all. It did bring division between children and
parents. It was really more of a sign of revolution, and rebellion. That is the
irony of the symbol, and I think we all intuitively realize this. Wave a peace
sign in front of your parents and say "you just don't understand, man, you both
just don't understand. I'm making a break from your ways, and am going to fix
up the world you've almost destroyed." Talk about finger-pointing! And who are
the nostalgic peace-wavers today? They are the vice presidents of
corporation...the hippies of the 60s are the yuppies of the 80s. That's the sad
truth. The peace symbol has brought little actual peace (a Godly one).
     Let me just end by redescribing an incident witnessed by a friend of mine.
He was a student at Denison College a bunch of years ago, and Tony Campolo came
there. Tony went up to a respected student leader on campus who was wearing a
peace sign shirt, and said "That's not going to change anything. That peace
sign, that doesn't do anything. Do you think wearing that all day long is
actually going to bring any change? You are kidding yourself." I believe the
peace sign is a satanic symbol that was then turned into a "peace" symbol for
the greater public, a truly deceitful action. Peace became associated with
rebellion, drugs,alienation, the new age, free love (as if love can be free,
the ultimate act of servanthood) and free sex, and pure eastern religion. The
peace sign was called "peace", but it really was war. War on us. How we've been
                                                        In His Love,
                                                        Allen Lincoln

PS- which sign do you think really stands for the ultimate peace a person can
experience, The upright cross, or the upside down one? Which one has stood for
something that has lived up to its promises? Which one has failed, but we think
nicely of anyway (like fools remembering fondly our times of sin)?

PSS-since I did not actually grow up in the sixties (although one would never
have guessed so at my high school) let me add that much of this letter comes
out of studying the 60s and speaking to my sisters who did grow up in them,
and whose experiences I very much relate to.