[bit.listserv.christia] Taxes and reply to Keg

EWS2304@TAMVENUS (01/17/90)

>    We each made X amount of money each year before we were married, which
>went to keeping separate households.  So our expenses were higher.  After we
>were married we made as a couple 2X per year to keep one household.  Two *can*
>live cheaper than one!  So we were taxed more.
>    Now...had one of us made 2X per year while the other lived at home with
>parents and made nothing, it would be different.  While single, the one who
>made 2X would be taxed at a higher rate since that person would only have one
>dependant.  However, upon getting married, the tax rate would drop since there
>would be an additional person to consider and no additional money.

You missed my point. Two people can live cheaper than one IF both work.
However my wife doesn't work! therefore two of us are having to live on
one persons family. In this case where the wife doesn't work we should
pay a much lower rate. this would encourage those mothers who wanted to
stay home a chance to.
In His Love,

dnw@RSCH.OCLC.ORG (Dan Wiebe) (01/17/90)

	This "two people can live cheaper than one" statement interests me.
If anybody's willing, I'd like to see some documentation on it, because I
don't understand how it works.  I would agree that two people together can
live cheaper than two people separately; but are you suggesting that if I
(a single male, living alone) got married, and my wife didn't work, I would
actually have *more* spare money than I do now?

Dan Wiebe

U1A9A@WVNVM (Bernice Tennant) (01/18/90)


    I've been around alot and have heard that statement for years.  I always un
derstood it to mean that two using the same lightbulb that one would use and tw
o using the same pot to heat two bowls of soup and such. During the sixties the
re was a big popular statement during a water shortage, "Save water, shower wit
h a friend".  See what I mean.  Two people in a bed with two quilts instead of
two beds and four quilts.  The cost is the same unless you have two providers.
Then you would save money.  If there is only one provider then the cost is more
considering more soup for the pot and so forth.

                              Your friend in Christ, Bernice

XVDHMAK@VCUVM1 (Michael Kline) (01/19/90)

 *** Reply to note of 01/16/90 20:59

 I have heard it to be true... "Two can live cheaper than one...... Providing
 one does not eat." Oh, well, partially true.

                In His Love,

                  Michael A. Kline, Sr. SSE
                  VDH, Technical Support
                  XVDHMAK at VCUVM1

     JFAIRSER--VDH      Jack Fairservice