[bit.listserv.christia] About My Leaving - KEG

GATLING@SUVM (Keith E Gatling) (02/02/90)

Okay, for those  of you out there who are  confused, here's the story.
    About a week ago  I posted a note saying  that if CHRISTIA  were a
magazine,  I  would  probably  let   my  subscription  lapse.  I  also
explained that letting my subscription  lapse was a bit different than
sending an  angry letter to the  editor saying "How dare  you print an
article I  disagree with, cancel  my subscription right  now!" Letting
it  lapse would  more  likely  be a  case  of  saying, "This  magazine
doesn't quite mesh  with my interests anymore, but  it's not something
I should cancel right now over."
    I also  mentioned in  that note  that I was  as much  at fault  as
everyone else on the list.
    Well, apparently that note got lost with the links being down (now
watch, the  original will  appear sometime  today), however,  I didn't
know  that. So  when I  saw Eric's  note that  was supposed  to go  to
Bill, I figured that it must have  been directed at me, since I hadn't
seen any other messages about leaving.
    Oh  well...basically the  story is  that  I'll  probably sign  off
around  the beginning  of Advent...when  I've decided  my subscription
runs out. But  then again, there's always the chance  that things will
begin to mesh more  with my interests between now and  then, and I may
