PJS895S@SMSVMA (Pat Shepard) (02/03/90)
This isn't really a reply to what you asked, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me where (and HOW) I could get a copy of the Bible over BitNet. A translation more modern than the King James Version would be best, but I'm not sure if any more modern translations are in the public domain. I'd really appreciate any help I could get on this... Your brother in Christ, Pat
U648004@HNYKUN11 (Stephan Claassen) (02/06/90)
I'm sorry, but as far as I know the only Bible translation available in public domain is the King James Version. For for example the New International edition you have to pay (not much). The King James Version is distributed by Trickle (here in Europe). Since you said you wanted the translation by Bitnet, I conclude you are seated in Europe, and so your server will also be Bitnet. To get the files from Bitnet, you can use the following commands : (send these commands in a file to TRICKLE@TREARN ) /PDDIR <MSDOS2.BIBLE> (gives you a directory of available archives in the bible directory) /PDGET <MSDOS2.BIBLE>disk770.arc (sends the file DISK770.ARC to you) Since the file server is sometimes overworked, you may face some problems. If you want to, I can send you some of the files myself, because I have stored them on my system. Please inform me about your experiences ! Stephan