EWS2304@TAMVENUS (01/18/90)
Remeber the seminar I asked yall to pray for. Well monday I gave it to my group as a practice and got nervous and didn't do to well. I know many of yall were praying for me and last night Phil Noe and Ron Vantreese lifted me up in prayer so God could receive the glory! Well it went better than expected. After the talk in the question and answer time one of our top proffesors who is a nobel lauriate asked me about my talk and where I received some of the enzyme. I told him that I am sorry but this is a student seminar and this is not on my work. He replied that "oh you seem much more capable than the average student". My proffesor was amazed and said that it was a miracle! he couldn't understand it so I expalined that I and other brothers have really been praying for this. He said well i can't explain it but good job. I really feel God is working on this man. Showing him that christians can stil put God first and do a great job. He was very worried about me because he thinks I waste too much time worrying about God. Well maybe now he will realize that being a christian does not mean being inferior. Thanks again for your prayers! In His Love, Eric.
EWS2304@TAMVENUS (CATMAN) (02/06/90)
Everything went great. Thanks for all yall's prayers. My wife was so strong. She didn't need any anesthetic escept some stadol to calm her down at around 5cm. She went right through transition and pushed the baby out in 35 minut. It was a miracle. We were so tired last night. I spent the night at the hospital with her. Our baby was a girl, 9lbs 4ounces. She is beautiful! God is so good. In His Love, Eric.