[bit.listserv.christia] Please read this!


It seems like lately all I do is post prayer requests and asst.
things, but it is what's pressing.

This is a very important and special request.

Recently I have been talking to a very loving Christian who
is engaged to be married. As a young child she was raped while
spending the night at a friends house. She is trying to deal
with this and prepare herself for marriage. It is especially
difficult because it is an old wound and she was so young
and vulnerable when it happened and kept it a "shameful
secret" for so long. (think I'm one of 3 she has told) I
asked if she would mind if I posted a prayer request to our
list and she didn't, she welcomed it.

Please pray for her, that she can know peace in her soul,
forgiveness in her heart, and courage in her mind for her
marriage and that special union. I believe only God can
heal this kind of wound and your prayers would be a very
special gift.

God knows who Elizabeth's friend is, just call her that.

Thank you so much.

With much love,