JMP@VMS.BRIGHTON.AC.UK (pharmacy John Pickett) (02/08/90)
>Date: Wed, 7 Feb 90 13:22:00 EST >From: "The Golden Rule: He who has all the Gold makes the rules." < > PDBROYLES@EARN.OWUCOMCN> "'The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty." (Haggai 2:8) >As anyone who knew me a few years ago could vouch, I was one of the most >conservative closeminded Christians you ever met. Had I joined this list >then, I would have been on the "holier than thou" bandwagon where everything >Christ said was true. I blindly accepted Christianity as the ONLY way and said >that ALL other religions are doomed to hell. My primary source for this position >was the Bible and my claim to knowing Jesus Christ personally, sounds familiar? >(if it does, it's because it fits 3/4ths of this list!) Anyway, I criticized >and prayed for anybody who was not a bonified born again Christian, and I was >headed for Seminary after college. > Well, needless to say, I've had an eye opener over the past 3 years. >No longer does Christianity hold that key inerring position that it once held That's the crux of the matter - "blindly" - because the Holy Spirit gives us *real*, not blind, faith. >in my life. In fact, while I'll never condemn the religion or my experiences >associated with it, I must say that I know of NO other religion that claims >to be based on Love where hatred is so rampant through its ranks. I don't care Yes, that's *it* - that's the trouble! Its religion - *not* Christianity. Wolves in sheep's clothing have rampaged among the flock and deceived many (see for example 2 John 7; Titus 1:10; Matthew 24:4,5) "I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard!" (Acts 20:29-31) >where you go, but Christians throughtout the world are high on themselves. >They take the view that the *BIBLE* says they are saved and everyone esle is >condemned to Hell, so by logical deduction Christians must be inherently better. No, *NOT* better... just saved from their sin - cleansed in the precious blood of the Lamb of God! (Remember the apostle Paul called himself the the worst of sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15)) >I'm sorry, I have rejected >Christianity because it is filled with hypocrits and is full of hatred for ones >fellow human beings (I do not however reject Christ, but the supposed religion >built up around his name I cannot accept!) So am I sorry - but hypocrisy on the part of some is no reason to 'throw the baby out with the bath water!' >"You know what they say about religion?...that there is just enough >religion in this world to cause man to hate oneanother, but there is not >enough to cause him to love his neighbor!" How true it is, and I am sure that >Satan is just basking in the Hatred that stinches the Christian Church today! > I eagerly await replies to this message. > Paul Satan rages only when he sees Christians counteracting his evil designs on the souls of men and women. He lets them alone when they are going astray! Yes, there's lots of hatred - its the work of Satan - many are duped by his counterfeits! The love of Christ constrains me, John Pickett