[bit.listserv.christia] some clarifications?



I was under the impression that, once you take away all the window dressing,
the essential difference between the salvation scheme of the Hindus and that
of the Chritians (I already know about all the differences in particulars,
I'm talking about their salvation schemes) is:

The Hindus believe that you go round and round, from one life to the next, up
and down the scale, until you are perfect, and then you get to go to heavan.

The Christian believe you get one shot, and that nobody is ever going to
make it unless they take the pipeline to heavan, which is Jesus Christ.

I'm not asking for a bunch of quotes which we've already heard before, ie
that 'all me are born with sin', and 'none come to the Father but by Me',
because that's just a matter of which faith you believe, which on this list
is presumably Cristian.  To use Christian premises to disprove Hinduism is
like saying 'lemons cannot be sour because apples are sweet'.

I just wanted to get the key *difference* clear.
