[bit.listserv.christia] JEK: world religion sizes compared

JEK@NIHCU (James Kiefer) (02/11/90)

It has been asked whether Islam or Christianity has more adherents.

Checking the 1989 World Almanac (Pharos Books, Scripps-Howard), page
591, I find the following percents of world poopulation listed
(Source given is the 1988 Britannica Book of the Year):

 Islam               17.2
 Christians          32.9
     Roman Catholic  18.5
     Protestants      6.6
     Orthodox         3.2
     Anglicans        1.4
     Other            3.1

Note that these numbers are nos stricly comparable, since some
religious groups count as members everyone, including infants, who
has ever been a member, or even everyone in the country without
exception, while others count only adults who have made and continue
to make a delberate choice to belong to the religious group.  I
accordingly suspect that Protestants, may be undercounted on this
list relative to the others. But the list gives a general idea.

 James Kiefer