PDBROYLES@OWUCOMCN (The Golden Rule: He who has all the Gold makes the rules.) (02/14/90)
Humm, abortion has always been an issue with which I have struggled greatly, the issue is especially pertinent for my generation---those who are tipically unmarried as of yet and still working for their degrees. To be perfectly honest with ya, I'm not sure where I stand on this issue, but MAKS posting did make a heck of a lot of sense! His posting made me take the whole issue a couple of steps further, if life is defined by what one can do by what one can produce, when do we draw the line. MAKS posting, if I remember correctly, stopped at retarded and those people who have suffered some sort of disease/acceident/stroke. But let's take that a couple of steps further. We live in an age of industrialization, we live in an age where machines are taking over the work force, where major compainies are using computers to do the work of 10 people. If we follow up the logic of MAKS arguement, then that leads us to one conclusion: that those ten men, who have been replaced by the computer, can no longer produce for soceity and therefore can no longer be deemed human! In otherwords, teminate the unemployed!!! It seems a logical conclusion following thought of MAKS posting! Now here's the real kickall, if such a logic were followed, when would it reach you? The educator, the historian, the politician, the doctor, the Christian, or even when will human beings become obsolete!!! Granted this is taking the whole issue to an EXTREME, but it is food to chew on!!! >I get awfully tired of abortion >being presented by pro-choice people as a women vs. men thing. I think >that's just a red herring to cloud the *real* issue. On this point, Lauren, I have to agree. Like I said, when it comes to the abortion issue, I really have no solid stance, but it does bother me that a man can stand up on the side of Pro-Choice and say "I'm P-C," and be hailed by everyone in earshot. While a guy who stands up and says, "I'm Pto-Life," is criticized and told that it is not his place to say one way or another---how can he know what he'd do---he'll never have to make the choice---it's the woman's body not the man's.... If P-C'ers want men to stand up for their rights then they should respect the rights of the man to stand up for the P-L movement as well, otherwise, they should ask that men not take a side! I know this posting probably sounds very pro-life, but that is probably because I am against abortion, but at the same time, I will not impose my feelings on somebody else. In otherwords, I'm pro-choice anti-abortion. Paul