[bit.listserv.christia] Abortion 4, Part 1

XVDHMAK@VCUVM1 (Michael Kline) (02/28/90)

     Abortion #4  - Part 1 of 2.

     This got to be kind of long, so I broke it into 2 parts. This part
 concerns itself with the development of the baby itself, and the humanity
 of that offspring.

     John Ankerburg Show, 02/25/90. Opening comments.

     John Ankerburg: "90% of the 1.5 million abortions each year take place
 during the first 3 months of pregnancy. That is the first week through the
 twelfth week. Pro Choice people argue that a woman has the right to have an
 abortion, admit that there is now doubt that the child is alive, and that
 it is human. But because it is small, or not fully formed, they believe
 that the child is not yet fully human, and not a person. Therefore they
 think they can kill it. Now in this program, you're going to see the
 scientific evidence that proves the Pro Choice argument is wrong asserting
 that the growing child is no more than a blob of tissues or the product of
 conception. You will see the marvelous stages of a child's development in
 the womb. You are also going to see the abortion techniques used today to
 destroy human life.

     But, I'd like to begin with a tragic story. A father walked into the
 delivery room of a hospital, and in a rage, threw his newborn son against
 the floor, and killed him. This man was charged with murder and put in
 jail. Ironically, he was punished for an act, namely killing his son, that
 could have been done by an abortionist the previous day with out any

     When I read this account, I thought, there must be something wrong with
 our laws. Why is a child only protected 24 hours after it is born and not
 24 hours before? Did the child change is some significant way? No.
 Biologically we know there is no difference with the child. So then, why
 does the location, inside or outside of the womb, make a crucial difference
 to its moral status? And let me ask you, do you think there should be a
 difference in the moral status of say, a nine month old child in the womb
 as compared to a newborn baby? If you say no, then going back in time, when
 would you judge that the baby has change so significantly that he doesn't
 deserve the right to be protected as a living human being? Well to help you
 answer this question, let's look at the baby as it develops in the womb,
 through the different stages of pregnancy."

     (much on the different stages of development... summarized)

     At month 5, the baby has: body is formed, sound provokes him, hiccups,
 kicks, punches, they relate to moods and emotions. The heart pumps 300
 gallons a day. They are viable with new technology. This is why some
 states, PA for instance, have enacted laws to prohibit abortion past this

     At 4 months, the baby has: face is taking on expression, hair is
 growing on its head, eyebrows and eyelashes are present. Heart is pumping
 blood. At this point, a doctor holds a 4 month aborted fetus up in his
 hands. I don't know the method used to abort, but the child was perfect
 except for a crushed skull and a black and blue mid section.

     At 3 months: arms, fingers, toes, hands. Is sensitive to touch. Can
 turn head, curl toes. Genitals are present and already contain premature
 eggs or sperm. Brain waves for at least 6 weeks, heart for 8 weeks or so.

     At 8 weeks: 8-12 weeks. Every organ is already present. Heart beats,
 stomach produces digestive juices, liver makes blood, kidneys begin,
 fingerprints are present, eyelids and palms sensitive to touch. It can suck
 thumb at 9 weeks. At 8 weeks eyes form and darken. Can feel pain from 8
 weeks on.

     "Science tells us from this time until adulthood the changes in the
 child's body will only be in dimension and in the refinement of working

     The first 30 days: From the moment of conception until death, no new
 genetic information is added. The genetic coding from the moment of
 conception is fixed, and determines many characteristics of the individual
 making them unique. Not a potential human being, but a human being with
 great potential. (a day by day development of the first 30 days was given
 for the organs, arms, legs, etc. skipped to keep brief(?)(briefer?))

     What does science say about human life in the womb? Is it fully human?

     Prof. Micheline Matthews- Roth, Harvard University Medical School "It
 is incorrect to say that the biological data cannot be decisive. It is
 scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at
 conception when the egg and sperm join to form the zygote. This developing
 human always is a member of our species in all stages of its life."

     Dr. Alfred Bongiovanni, University of PA Medical School - "Standard
 medical texts have long taught that human life begins at conception. I am
 no more prepared to say that these early stages of development represent an
 incomplete human being than I would be to say that the child prior to the
 dramatic effects of puberty is not a human being. This is human life at
 every stage."

     Dr. Jerome Lejeune, University of Descarte, Paris France - "Each
 individual has a unique beginning, the moment of its conception."

     Professor Hymie Gordan Mayo Clinic, before the congress of the United
 States - "By all the criteria of molecular biology, life is present from
 the moment of conception. Now we can say unequivocally that the question of
 when life begins is an established scientific fact."

     Quotes from C. Everett Koop and Bernard Nathanson confirming followed.
 Their arguments had been presented before.


     MAKS> This just got to be too long, so I split it into 2 parts. The
 second part concerns itself with the different abortion procedures. I got
 quite depressed writing it up. It's also sad, that with the qualifications
 of the above individuals, there will be posts saying they are wrong and
 don't know what they are talking about. Yet, these individuals didn't say
 anything for or against abortion, but said the baby was human. Guilt will
 drive some to say, "No it's not..." Part 2 covers this some as well. <MAKS

                 In His Love,

                   Michael A. Kline, Sr. SSE
                   VDH, Technical Support
                   XVDHMAK at VCUVM1
                   Richmond, Virginia