[bit.listserv.christia] Yesterday's Entry in Forward Day By Day - KEG

LHARANGO@OWUCOMCN (Lauren Arango) (02/28/90)

Thanks for the posting, Keith.

I don't tend to boast much, but I certainly have a problem with pride.
I'm working on it, but it always helps to be reminded to work a little
                                        God's peace,

COLELA@SNYPLAVA (l. anne cole) (02/28/90)

>Proverbs 27:1-6,  10-12. Do  not boast...Let  another praise  you, and
>not your own mouth.
Dear KEG - thanks for your post.  I always think of this when I pull
out the old vita for an update.  Also ran into it while having students
develop their own resumes.  I give them strategy which feels ALL WRONG.
The world doesn't like this attitude.  And it doesn't get ya jobs. Hmmm.
God Bless - Anne