[bit.listserv.games-l] lll 1 and stuff


Hello all -- this is Belgarion again under a new account.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

First to take care of a little business:  For those of you who requested
MacMoria and still haven't gotten it, could you please send your requests again
   to this account?  (not to the list!)  I lost them all after my account expire
   d last sem.  I apologize for not getting to it, but finals were creeping up o
   n me

Those of you who requested something else from me (like StuffIt or whatever)
and haven't gotten it, please send your request to me again to this account.

Okay, now for the other stuff:

First, I am moving from VMS to a Unix environment.  Can someone tell me where
I can get the latest version of Unix Monster and Moria so I can install it
here at the ol' U of A Unix system?  I have both of them up for VMS, but
a lot of the CSc students are moving over to Unix.

Also, I seem to have gotten into Leisure Suit Larry recently.  Couple of
questions about Leisure Suit Larry I :

        1) How do you bypass the questions at the beginning?  They are annoying.
        2) I n
   eed to get $100 to go up the stairs.  But I only have $94 --
                where do I get the other $6?
        3)  I saw something on the window sill on the outside of the bar, how
                do I get it?
        4) Is there a complete solution to LLL 1 somewhere?  Does the undergroun
d solut
   ions server have it?  If so, could someone send me the address again?
If no listservs/ftp sites have it, could someone else send it to me?

        If Waldo ? is still on this list, could you send me the solution to
LLL 3 again?  Thanks.

Well that's it from me for now.  See ya'll later.

titus@rvax.ccit.arizona.edu     :internet
titus@arizrvax                  :bitnet
"Okay, I'll draw my +1 Sword of Slay VorpalBunnies and attack the *BALROG*!"
                                -- The Late Dorcus the Great.