[bit.listserv.games-l] omega clues

S46@DHDURZ1.BITNET (Gunnar Radons) (01/15/90)

Hello omega fanclub,

A new hint for those who are need. Ever worn a bottle on a finger?
Or a waffer of lembas ? Try it !
Get the thing up in the air, put the cursor on your finger of
choice and exchange.
Repeated doing can bring your hitpoints from nearly zero back to
maximum. Also the effects of the potion (i.e. levitating) starts.
You may do as often as you like (at least I'm walking with my
first potion and had no bad effects yet).
With the object first up in the air I could also use a flail in the
armor slot.



:                                          ::                          :
: Gunnar Radons                            :: Gunnar Radons            :
: Astronomisches Recheninstitut Heidelberg :: s46@dhdurz1              :
: Moenchhofstr. 12-14                      ::                          :
: D-6900 Heidelberg                        :: (+49) 6221 405147        :
:                                          ::                          :
:           Do you have the solution or are you the problem?           :