[bit.listserv.games-l] Tetris some more even.

DH71FE@SWTEXAS.BITNET (chives.......................SWTSU) (02/03/90)

Gamesters- some assorted notes,

    I have once again tried to send Vax_Tetris to everyone that
    requested it.  For people not on BITNET or THENET, you prolly
    didn't get anything.  I couldn't even return some of your mail
    through all those strange gateways.  Where is "fi" ??  If you
    are on some strange network, you'll have to either find a
    BITNET or such address for me to send it to, or give me the
    arcane syntax necessary to get to you via SEND/FILE/VMSDUMP.

    To use ZOO, define a symbol (either in LOGIN.COM or just at
    DCL level)  ZOO == "$disk$:[dir.subdir]ZOO" where _disk$_ is
    your logical disk structure and _dir_ and _subdir_ is whatever
    directory/subdir you have ZOO in.  The syntax to unZOO is
    ZOO X FILESPEC and ZOO H will get you some help.  For those
    who cannot get this to work, I'll send you the individual
    unZOOed files.

    For those who asked, I am not releasing the source code at this
    time.  I will release the final version sometime this semester,
    graduate, and go on my happy and lucrative way.  Then I will
    be happy to release everything I ever did to Vax_Tetris to anyone
    with enough patience to sift through my `kludge-kode.'

    And if anyone runs an FTP site or LISTSERVer and wants to put
    Vax_Tetris up on it, PLEASE DO!  I cannot handle the 50+
    requests I get a day.  Expect delays and ommisions, eh?

    I also sent VMS_BATTLESHIP to many of you.  It is a two-person
    simulation of the old game Battleship (natch)  Any other requests
    for it should be sent to the author, Ray Renteria, at
    RR02026@SWTEXAS.  It includes full source code and is an excellent
    demonstration of full screen control and multi-process intereaction
    via temporary mailboxes.

(David J. Hahn)