[bit.listserv.games-l] omega schtuff

29562883@WSUVM1.BITNET (Alan Zacher) (02/03/90)

    could anyone send me a short description of the finer points of playing
omega?  i've played a little bit here and there, but omega gurus are quite
scarce at this campus.

         .  .  .            The King of Spades (29562883@WSUVM1)
         * <*> *
         *******        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
         /     :        ^ Q:  Which came first, incompetence or         ^
        /       :       ^        bureaucracy?                           ^
       /         :      ^ A:  Bureaucracy.  Incompetence would have, but^
       :___   ___/      ^   it didn't fill out the necessary paperwork. ^
           | |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^