Will Etheredge recently asked for a copy of Empire. I would like a copy as well. About 5 months ago, I received a copy, but it was so badly corrupted that I had to trash it. My searches to find another copy have been in vain. If some kind soul has a "working" copy, please send. I have the VMSarc and zoo utilities as well as uuencode/decode. Or you can simply send/vmsdump. Thanks! Dave Marshburn <marshburn@niehs> ========================================================== I am looking for a VMS version of empire that has multi-player support. If you know of its existance or if you have such. Please pass along this infomation. Thank you, +--------------------------------------------------+ l.............. < Wil Etheredge > .................l +--------------------------------------------------+ l ...... < > ...... l +--------------------------------------------------+ l"There is never enough time to do all the nothing l l that you want!" -Calvin and Hobbes l +--------------------------------------------------+