[bit.listserv.games-l] Shadowgate for Nintendo


Attention all Nintendoers:

I am trying to beat a rather nasty RPG style game called Shadowgate for
Nintendo.  I am hopelessly stuck, and need help.  Spoilers, anyone?

So far:

I have gotten the silver orb, blade, and staff of ages, and combined them
into this really awesome-looking weapon that won't kill anything.  I also
have a pewter cup, a silver star, the crest of Duran, a broadsword, and
a helm that I haven't found a use for.

Major questions:

How do you kill the Hellhound guarding the Platinum Horn?  How do you remove
the rockslide in front of the staircase by the waterfall (where you get the
stones for the sling)?  What is the key that must be used to open the
skull doorway on the far side of the river Styx?  I'm sure that there is
one nitpicky action I have failed to do that will unravel this mess.
Anybody wanna clue me in?  Please??

Icefalcon the Frustrated