Anami Bhargava has successfully stored a SAS/GRAPH output to disk using a LIBNAME and the GOUT option on his graphics procedure. He is now having trouble printing the graph. I think Anami fell into a basic misconception about types of graphics output. In his defense, the documentation could be better (have we heard this type of statement before?). SAS/GRAPH can produce either an entry in a SAS catalog or a graphics stream file. the former can only be replayed using GREPLAY. In other words, you have to use PROC GREPLAY to produce the hardcopy of any graph stored as a SAS catalog entry. Graphics stream output (using a FILENAME statement, and the GSFNAME and GSFMODE goptions parameters) is the other way SAS stores graphics output. If you have saved a graph in this manner, the following DOS command could produce the hardcopy: COPY gsfname/B LPT1: where gsfname is the operating system (e.g, DOS) file name of the graphics stream output. I am assuming that the laser printer is the primary parallel output device. You may have to change LPT1: to something else (e.g, COM1: if the printer is serially connected to the network).