[bit.listserv.novell] Bridge to ThickLAN Reply

Fund@RELAY.PROTEON.COM (01/11/90)

>Hi Everyone,

>We have some Synoptics gear we are installing to connect 3 LANs here on campus
>and we also have some thicklan ethernet running through our machine room.  I
>was just wondering if anyone out there had suggestions for connecting the
>Synoptics gear to the thicklan via some sort of bridge.  I would like to be
>able to provide Internet connectivity from any of these LANs via this bridge.
>(my Cisco Router is sitting on the thicklan).  Both comments on hardware to
>look at and hardware to avoid would be appreciated.

>Thanks in advance,

>Brian Hughes

   How about putting a second BNC/AUI Ethernet card in your server.  Connect
   right up to the Thicknet or go through a repeater to the Thicknet.  It
   is probably your cheapest alternative.

   Glenn Fund                           Internet:   Fund@Relay.proteon.com
   Principal Research Specialist        CompuServe: 75170,1060
   Sanders Associates                   cc:Mail     Fund at Proteonwebo
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