[bit.listserv.novell] Netware 386 and Packet Drivers

CHRISC@UAFSYSB.BITNET (Christopher Corke) (02/01/90)

I recently installed netware 386 on one of our servers.  Our site also
has three Netware 286 servers running on the same network (all using
packet drivers).  I installed the Netware 386 server with the following:


file server name NO_CHANCE
ipx internal net 1000
load ne2000 int=4 port=360 frame=ethernet_ii
bind ipx to ne2000 net=1
load monitor
mount all
set allow unencrypted passwords=on
track on


load dcb port=340 int=b
load mac

The file server appears to boot normally, and talks to the other servers
(I see packets from the other servers when I look at the TRACK screen).
When I go to a station and run SLIST, the Netware 386 server and all my
netware 286 servers appear.  But, when I do LOGIN NO_CHANCE/SUPERVISOR
I get  (NO_CHANCE) No response from given server.

Any ideas ?????


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                                        Smail: University of Arkansas
Christopher C. Corke                           220 A.D.S.B.
System Programmer I                            155 Razorback Road
BITNet Postmaster                              Fayetteville, AR.  72701
University of Arkansas                         (501) 575-2901
Department of Computing Services        BIT  : <CHRISC@UAFSYSB.Bitnet>
Network Services                    INTERNET : <CHRISC@uafsysb.uark.edu>