[bit.listserv.novell] Networld and Roundtable discussions Reply

Fund@RELAY.PROTEON.COM (02/02/90)

>Could you tell me which dates in February NEtworld is and if it's too
>late to register (if not, how do I register). Also, is it too late
>to attend the roundtable discussions you previously talked about on the
>list? I'm very interested in the LAN Management Techniques as I will be
>talking about LAN Management at a conference in May for all Ontario
>Universities Computing Centres. I know I'm at the last minute, but I
>thought there might still be hope....thanks in advance for a reply...
>                                        take care...
>                                        Esther Clerin
>                                Computing and Communication Services
>                                       University of Ottawa

   Since I am the keeper of the database, I can make arrangements to get you
   in to the Lan Management Techniques session on Monday February 12th at

   The Tutorials, Roundtables and other sessions begin on Monday the 12th.
   The exhibits begin the next day on Tuesday the 13th.  The show goes on
   till Thursday the 15th.

   The show is run by HA Bruno out of NJ.  (201) 569-8542.  They can get you
   registered.  You can call the ANU management firm, Danieli and O'Keefe
   at (508) 443-3330 and they might be able to get you out a discount
   users group registration form.

   To keep the records straight, we are asking everyone to fill out this
   qualifying survey.  You can mail it back via the Internet.  We have
   already arranged to send out confirmation cards to those that have
   registered already.  We might not be able to get late signer cards out.

   For those that still want to get in on the action, you can fill out the
   request on-line, and then pick up your confirmation card outside the
   Roundtable room 206 on Monday, or at the ANU booth 3813, 3815 all other
   days of the show.

   That should do it.  The survey is attached. Session 5, Troubleshooting
   NetWare LANs is the only session that I will have to turn addtional folks
   away from at this time.  Session 2 LAN Management Techniques, Session 4
   Upgrading to NetWare 386 and Session 8 Multi-Protocol LANs are close to
   being filled up.

   The NetWare futures session might have to be moderated by another key
   Novell Engineering person.  I am discussing the details now and will
   make an announcement to all when this issue has been resolved.

   How many file servers are installed at your site?
   A. 5-10  B. 11-25  C. 26-50  D. >50

   How many workstations are connected to your NetWare LANs?
   A. 100-250  B. 251-500  C. 501-1000  D. >1000

   Does your NetWare networks support multiple protocols?  Y/N
   A. DOS  B. NETBIOS  C. TCP/IP  D. NFS  E. OS/2  F. AppleTalk  G. Other_____

   Are your NetWare LANs intalled at multiple locations?  Y/N
   A. Campus  B. Metro Area  C. Country  D. Int'l

   Do your NetWare LANs communicate with one another?  Y/N
   A. Campus  B. Metro Area  C. Country  D. Int'l

   My NetWare LAN involvement is as a
   A. Strategist  B. LAN Manager  C. LAN User

   Please indicate first, second and third choices and whether your perspective
   is that of an Expert or Learner

   1.  Cable System Design  (Monday 9AM)
   2.  LAN Management Techniques  (Monday 11AM)
   3.  Implementing WANs  (Monday 1:30PM)
   4.  Upgrading to NetWare 386  (Monday 3:30PM)
   5.  Troubleshooting NetWare LANs  (Tuesday 11AM)
   6.  Techiniques for Installing Application Software  (Tuesday 4:30PM)
   7.  Staffing for LAN Management  (Wednesday 9AM)
   8.  Multi-Protocol LANs  (Wednesday 1:00)
   9.  LAN Hardware Maintenance  (Wednesday 4:30)
   10. Disaster Recovery  (Thursday 9:00)
   11. NetWare Futures  (Thursday 12:30)

   Other info...  The Affiliation of NetWare Users will be having a kickoff
   general meeting/dinner on Tuesday evening at the Hynes from 6PM-8:30PM.

   If any of you would like to attend to meet other NetWare users and to find
   out some more about the ANU and its future plans, we would love to
   accomodate while the limited seating lasts.  Call Elisa or Marg at
   Danieli and O'Keefe and reserve your place (508) 443-3330.  Of course its

   Be sure to pick up the ANUs permiere issue of our bi-monthly NetWare users
   publication, LAN Street Journal.  This issue will be free too!

   Glenn Fund                           Internet:   Fund@Relay.proteon.com
   Principal Research Specialist        CompuServe: 75170,1060
   Lockheed Sanders                     cc:Mail     Fund at Proteonwebo
   DW Highway South                     Phone:      (603) 885-6242
   MS NHQ4-0138                         Director of The Greater Boston Area
   Nashua, NH  03061                    Novell Users Group.

      Co-Founder and President of the Affiliation of NetWare Users
                        "ANU Day Is Dawning"