paulg@INFORMATICS.LAN.NRC.CA (02/14/90)
FROM: Gravel, Paul TO: @NRCVM01.NRC.CA:NOVELL@SUVM.BITNET DATE: 02-13-90 TIME: 20:57 CC: SUBJECT: LANSPOOL V 1.55 problems PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> HI FOLKS >> I've got some problems with LANSPOOL v 1.55 sometimes the node program >> doesn't respond to the lanspool VAP. The node program aborts withe the >> message VAP NOT INSTALLED ON ANY SERVER. Somewhat later I will get through >> without problems. The LANSPOOL technician from MK trade in england couldn't >> help me any further. Help !! anybody out there who can help me any further. >> ????????????? Just installed Lanspool a couple of weeks ago. The package I received included a 'Product Bulletin' page, indicating that I had just bought Version 1.57. According to this bulletin, version 1.57 is a 'maintenance release', which to me sounds like a polite way to say 'sorry about that folks'. I'd suggest you call up your technician and ask if he has a recent copy of node.exe. The file on our distribution diskettes is dated 12/20/89 and has a size of 94978. Paul Gravel NRC - Informatics (613)993-0240