O.B.Schou@LUT.AC.UK (OBSchou) (02/28/90)
From NOVELL@EARN.SUVM Wed Feb 28 08:23 GMT 1990 Message-Id: <4360.9002280822@hpd.lut.ac.uk> Received: from [0800390030d5/DCC.3882611000000000000000000000000000000000] by hpd.lut.ac.uk; Wed, 28 Feb 90 08:22:16 gmt Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 0796; Wed, 28 Feb 90 08:18:11 GM Received: by UKACRL (Mailer X1.25) id 5636; Wed, 28 Feb 90 08:14:42 GMT Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 12:51:07 CST Reply-To: Novell LAN Interest Group <NOVELL@EARN.SUVM> Sender: Novell LAN Interest Group <NOVELL@EARN.SUVM> From: MARTY MARK <MARKMANI@EARN.UIAMVS> Subject: PATHS/SU VS NETWORK To: BSMTP <obschou@UK.AC.LUT> Is there anyway to append new subdirectories onto an existing path? We have users on our departmental network which have local hard drives and would like to: 1. Boot from the local hard drive, setting local paths. 2. In the login script, append network search drives to the existing path. 3. When logging out of the network, remove the appended search drives. Thus, returning the path to "single-user" status. Is anyone currently doing this? Any tips? Thank you! Marty Mark University of Northern Iowa Phone: (319) 273-6258 How about usein the BATch processor: PATH >oldpath.bat echo DEL OLDPATH.BAT >>OLDPATH.BAT PATH=%PATH%;<your new stuff> and then exit. When you want to resotr your old path, run OLDPATH.BAT. It deletes itself as well. Trouble is, it only works one append deep. ^i sign0 Bertil Schou | Bertil Schou JANET: O.B.Schou@UK.AC.Loughborough | The Computer Centre EARN/BITNET: OBSchou@Loughborough.ac.uk | Loughborough University | Leicestershire | LE11 3TU, UK. | Tel. +44 509 222313 ---------------------------------------------------------------------