[bit.listserv.novell] CERTUS Anti-Virus Software


Is anyone using Foundationware's CERTUS anti-virus software (network
version)?   I would appreciate hearing any comments about either it
or any other network anti-virus products which have proven to be

|                                                                           |
|    Cameron Bunch                       U.S. Navy Calibration Laboratory   |
|    ADP Support Engineer,               Rota, Spain                        |
|    Programmer/Analyst,                                                    |
|    Sometimes Repair Technician,        ARPA:   CBUNCH@PAXRV-NES.ARPA      |
|    & Jack-of-All-Binary-Trades.        PHONE:  011-34-56-822588  (Spain)  |
|                                        FAX:    011-34-56-810806           |
|                                                                           |
|    Disclaimer:  The above ravings are purely of my own invention.  The    |
|    U.S. Government is here by absolved of any connection with them.       |
|                                                                           |

ALI@YUORION.BITNET (Ali Makooie, York University) (03/01/90)

>Subject: CERTUS Anti-Virus Software

>Is anyone using Foundationware's CERTUS anti-virus software (network
>version)?   I would appreciate hearing any comments about either it
>or any other network anti-virus products which have proven to be


McAfee Associates has two products available, VIRUSCAN.EXE and NETSCAN.EXE.
We do not use them here at YU but I have seen them in action, they detect and
clean up to 67 different viruses. VIRUSCAN is stand alone and NETSCAN is
network version. For more information you may access them via:

McAfee Associates                   408-988-3832 voice
4423 Cheeney Street                 408-988-4004 BBS
Santa Clara, CA, 95054              408-970-9727 FAX

Ali Makooie                         ALI.MAKOOIE@CCS.YORKU.CA
Computing and Communications        ALI@ORION.YORKU.CA
Information Technology              ALI@YUORION.BITNET
York University