[bit.listserv.novell] File Locking Problem

vosseler@newport.rutgers.edu (Tom Vosseler) (12/22/90)

	I am trying to write some programs that perform file I/O in
Turbo C and I don't have Novell APIs.  I am running Ver. 2.15A.

	There is no problem with simultaneous reads from multiple
stations but when I try to read/write while one station is writing I
get a network error.  I know that two stations can't access a file
when a station is writing.  What I want to know is how to tell whether
a file is locked or not without generating a network error.

	I tried functions like 'access()' to no avail.  I even tried
just opening the file and seeing if there is some open error without
generating an 'Network Error: Abort, Retry, Fail?'.

	Any help would be greatly appreciated.

						- Tom
> Tom Vosseler                  ! Without a song, a man ain't got a friend  <
> Site/Network Manager          ! Without a song, the day would never end   <
> Microcomputer Resource Center ! Without, without a song the world would   <
> Rutgers University            !     never bend.  Without a song.          <
> VOSSELER@ZODIAC.RUTGERS.EDU   ! So I keep sing'n the songs      -EP [TCB] <