Apo thn klhrwsh tou Epaggelmatikou Kypellou Elladas (League Cup) to mono pou sygkrathsa (gia eunohtous logous) einai o agwnas Xanthn-PAOK. Me kapoia epifylaxn mporw na pw oti oi alloi "megaloi" exoun akomh pio eukolous agwnes. To programma exei ws exhs: 31 Ianouariou: 1n agwnistikn (18-->9) 28 Martiou : 2n agwnistikn ( 8-->4, Prohmitelikoi) 9 Maiou : Hmitelikoi, a' agwnes 22 Maiou : Hmitelikoi, b' agwnes O telikos mallon den exei programmatistei akoma, pantws den anaferetai sto "kalentari tou 1990" ths Eleutherotypias, ap'opou kai ta parapanw stoixeia. Pantws o telikos tou Kupellou Elladas exei programmatistei gia tis 3 Maiou, enw stis 27 tou idiou mhna exoume to finale tou prwtathlhmatos me thn stepsh tou PAOK h genikwtera tou Prwtathlhth Elladas. Apo tis 8 Iouniou ws tis 8 Iou- liou exoume, ws gnwston, to Pagkosmio Kypello, kai to podosfairo xanaemfanizetai sto programma stis 4 kai 5 Septembriou me tous filikous agwnes elpidwn kai an - drwn...Elladas-Albanias!!!(h"pws ena athlhtiko reportaz bgazei politikh eidhsh pws ena athlhtiko reportaz bgazei politikh eidhsh). Manwlns Twmadakns Rochester,NY Y.G. Tha anarwtieste isws pws oi 9 tou League Cup ginontai 8. Apla, duo atyxoi tha klhrwthoun na paixoun kapou mesa ston Flebarh, kai o eis tha apoxwrhsei parauta.
CS114340@YUSOL.BITNET (HI FROM **1 COOL GREEK**) (02/01/90)
Yiati sou proksenhse ekpliksi h niki tou PAO stin thessaloniki? George.