[bit.listserv.hellas] Eurwpaika kai alla...


Antigrafw apo to "The Guardian Impact", periodiko tou Guardian gia foithtes:

area: 131,944 sq km
exports: tobacco, fruit(incl. black currants), vegetables, olives, olive oil,
currency: drachma(257.03=1GBP Dec 1989)
population: 9,930,000(1985)annual growth rate 0.5%
life expectancy: men 72 women 76
language: greek
religion: Greek Orthodox Christian 97%
literacy: 96% male/89% female
GNP: $32.4bn (1984) $3,260 per head of population (3rd poorest after Portugal
     with $1,930 and Belgium with $3,040 in the EEC)

The "stereotypograph" of Greece is this:
There are basically two types of Greek: porking great millionaires like
George Michael and Ari Onassis or shepherds. Your average Greek can expect
a lifetime of herding goats, drinking goat milk and eating goat milk
yoghurt. National pastimes: Owning a fleet of oil tankers or delivering
baby goats.

The stereotype of the UK:
While most other countries fight each other, the British- bullies by
nature- prefer to fight among themselves. There are so many other classes and
regions to pick on. All British people hate all other British people (but not
as much as they hate foreigners or themselves), but put up with them in order
to avoid embarrassment. British men look like Ronnie Corbett, but with spots.
British women look like Hilda Ogden, but not so pretty. The British argue all
the time, think that bottoms and winkles are funny, and like being told what
to do by Mrs Thatcher. No wonder everyone else hates them too. National
pastime: Pretending they still own the world.

About the Irish:
Don't open your mouth unless you're intending to fill it with Guinness. The
Irish are quick to take offence at anything you might say. Verbose to the
extreme, they manage to fool everyone into thinking that they can write
English literature better than the English. National pastime: Drinking.

And finally, about Portugal:
As the Belgians are to the French, so are the Portugese to the Spanish. But
for some reason, the Portugese appear to speak Spanish the wrong way round,
and end up sounding like they've got half a bottle of port stuck in their
windpipe. National pastime: Playing golf.

Kurie Saka, ti lete gia ola auta.

Stelios Bikos
Department of Chemical Engineering
The University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
tel (0532)332444

SAKAS@CIUC2.UC.RCCN.PT (Vassilis SAKAS) (02/09/90)

Rwtaei o Stelios:

>And finally, about Portugal:
>As the Belgians are to the French, so are the Portugese to the Spanish. But
>for some reason, the Portugese appear to speak Spanish the wrong way round,
>and end up sounding like they've got half a bottle of port stuck in their
>windpipe. National pastime: Playing golf.

>Kurie Saka, ti lete gia ola auta.

Eav paizoyv golf oi portogaloi dev gvwrizw, egw pavtws dev exw dei kai
kaveva gnpedo edw pera (kai stnv Ellada blepw movo otav prosgeiwvomai
stnv Athnva apo tnv meria toy Soyvioy...) kai sto kafeveio poy syxvazw
exei movo podosfairaki kai amerikaviko mpiliardo stnv pisw aithoysa
(pavtws paidia kafeveia opws ta dika mas, avw katw kai poly wraia atmosfaira,
tsigarila kai ta sxetika, tha moy leipsei ama fygw). Twra gia tov tropo
poy milave oi Portogaloi to arthro exei apolyto dikio. Etsi kai kapoios
dev kserei ti glwssa milave tha vomisei oti eivai tipote slabika n
rwssika n kati tetoio telos pavtwv. Kai to paradokso eivai oti ama
kserei kaveis tipote Agglika,Gallika, Italika, Ispavika (Lativika
gevikwtera)  piavei kamia graftn leksn, alla etsi kai avoiksoyv to
stomataki toys, pw pw pw pw... (paromoia sxesn Germavika Ollavdika,
exete akoysei Ollavdoys va milave? tnv prwtn fora trabiesai tria metra
pera apo tov syvomilitn soy gia va mnv se piasei n roxala......)

Kai eipame, Paraskeyn paidia,

Vassilis (Coimbra)


To Belgio exei mikrotero kata kefalin eisodima apo tin Ellada?
Typografiko lathps eixe i efimerida, i einai asteio?
Mihalis Scordilis

SAKAS@CIUC2.UC.RCCN.PT (Vassilis SAKAS) (02/10/90)

Dev kserw ti givetai me to kata kefalnv eisodnma toy Belgioy
(tha koitaksw kai tha grapsw apo bdomada) pavtws apo elleima
toy dnmosioy tomea exoyme tnv prwtia stnv EOK kai deyteroi
erxovtai oi Belgoi, xwris va idrwvoyv kai poly.........
(ligaki kalitera apo mas). Tha ntav evdiaferovta diafora
stoixeia peri plnthwrismoy (teleytaia Ellada, meta apo
Portogalia kai Irlavdia) kai allwv oikovomikwv megethwv
mesa stnv EOK (osoi pistoi..... grapste) gia va kseroyme
oti ayto poy ovomazoyme "ethviko xali" dev eivai kai toso
ethviko (ayto to teleytaio xwris va snmaivei oti prepei
va aisthavomaste pws eimaste "kala").

Sigoyra tha ekplagoyv polloi otav doyv stoixeia apo kratn
opws Davia, Belgio, Ollavdia akoma kai Loyksemboyrgo gia
ta opoia pisteyoyme oti ola "baivoyv kalws". (Dev exw
stoixeia proxeira, gi'ayto kai dev grafw leptomereies,
va mnv leme kai oti mas katebei dnladn...).

Kai mia kai moy nrthe, ANEKDOTO:

Evas typos paei sto oyrntnrio kai koitwvtas deksia aristera
tnv wra poy katoyroyse (to kavoyme oloi mas, e?) blepei
tov diplavo toy va katoyraei dyo "grammes". O diplavos
toy blepei tnv eklpnksn toy kai eksngei:
- Traymatias polemoy.
Se allo oyrntnrio, alln fora, o idios typos blepei kapoiov va
katoyraei 4 "grammes" gia va akoysei gia mia akoma fora tnv
eksngnsn: "Traymatias polemoy!".
Paromoies sknves epavalnfthnkav polles fores, o arithmos twv
"grammwv" ntav metaksy 2 kai 10 peripoy, o typos malista eixe
mathei kai koitwvtas toys koyvoyse me katavonsn to kefali kai
rwtoyse "Traymatias polemoy??" pairvovtas tnv apavtnsn "vai".
Mia fora paratnrnse me kapws perissotern ekplnksn evav poy
katoyroyse 24 "grammes", gyrizei kai tov rwtaei:
- Traymatias polemoy?
gia va parei tnv apavtnsn:
- Oxi re file, to fermoyar moy dev avoigei!!!!!!

kalo sabbatokyriako,

Vassilis (Coimbra)