[bitnet.swl-l] Buying a used scanner

parnass@RUTGERS.EDU> (01/15/90)

                     BUYING A USED SCANNER

                     by Bob Parnass, AJ9S

   Anybody with enough money can buy a  brand  new  scanner,
   but  you can save lots of money if you get a good deal on
   a used scanner.  Hamfests are probably the best place  to
   find  used  radios,  but  you  must  be familiar with the
   equipment.  Hamfests are replete with  older  radios  you
   won't see in today's catalogs.

   At last count, there were over 70  scanners  and  monitor
   receivers of various brands in my collection.  I purchase
   most of my receivers at hamfests or horsetrade with other
   radio  hobbyists.  This article describes a few of the FM
   receivers in my collection, and is not meant to  be  com-

            A Used Scanner May be a Broken Scanner

   Getting a bargain is not without some risk.  I  have  had
   sellers look me square in the eye and tell me their radio
   worked fine -- when it really didn't.

   For this reason, you should have  some  recourse  if  the
   radio you buy turns out to be defective.

   If you can't fix the radio yourself, you can pay to  have
   the  manufacturer  or a service clinic repair it for you.
   My personal experience with Uniden (the new  manufacturer
   of  Bearcat and Regency scanners) has been disappointing.
   Several people have been pleased with  Electronic  Repair
   Center,  in Franklin Park, IL, which repairs scanners for
   a flat fee.  Call them  at  (708)455-5105)  to  find  out
   their current rates.

                   Evolution of the Scanner

   It helps to understand some scanner history before  shop-
   ping for a used scanner.  You will likely see radios from
   many vintages at a hamfest, and should  to  avoid  buying
   early units unless you are a scanner collector.

   One of the earliest ancestors to the scanner was the con-
   verter.   Manufactured  by Tompkins (Tuneaverter), Peter-
   sen, Bearcat (Lil Tiger), Midland, and others, converters
   were made to operate in conjunction with AM radios.  Then
   came wide band monitor receivers,  in  both  tunable  and
   crystal  control  models,  like  the  Radio Shack PRO-2B.
   Truthfully, converters  and  tuneable  FM  receivers  are
   interesting but don't work well by today's standards.

   While tuneable receivers were in vogue, solid state tech-
   nologies  supplanted  tubes.   Better  performing, narrow
   band crystal controlled units,  like  the  Sonar  FR-105,
   followed.   These  units  did  not  scan,  rather channel
   selection was accomplished using a simple rotary  switch.
   Sonar  even made a 24 channel unit in which crystals were
   held in a rotary "turret."

   Perhaps the best known early scanners  were  the  Regency
   TMR  and  Bearcat  units.   The  first Bearcat was rather
   crude, providing no way to lock  out  channels  from  the
   scan.   The  first  scanners  came in single band models,
   followed by multiband models.

   The first programmable (crystal-less) scanners were  dif-
   ficult to program.  Users had to look up frequencies in a
   code book and tediously program the information into  the
   scanner  in  binary  form.  Some models, like the Bearcat
   BC-101, Radio Shack COMP 100, and Tennelec MCP-1,  resem-
   bled  Altair  or  PDP-8 computers, with a row of 16 or so
   toggle switches.  Instead of toggle switches, the Regency
   WHAMO-10  was  programmed  by  breaking  teeth from metal
   combs.  The SBE Optiscan (and its Sears  clone)  required
   poking a series of holes in plastic cards which were then
   inserted into a slot on the front panel.

                     More Modern Scanners

   Both Bearcat and Regency, as well as  Radio  Shack  offer
   some  good  models.   I  would avoid the Bearcat 100, and
   scanners made by AOR, JIL, Fox, Tennelec, and Robyn.

   Scanner features often differ not only by  model  but  by
   manufacturer.  For instance, most Radio Shack and Bearcat
   programmables allow enable/disable of the delay  function
   on  a  per-channel basis.  Older Regency units permit the
   delay to be enabled/disabled only globally, that is,  for
   all the channels at one time.

   Radio Shack  scanners  contain  a  reasonable  number  of
   features, but the older models scan a bit slowly and have
   a higher level of synthesizer noise. Most have  too  much
   hysteresis  in  the operation of the squelch control, but
   this can be fixed completely by replacing  one  resistor.
   Good, detailed shop manuals are available for Radio Shack
   units for $5 - $12.

   In the name of cost cutting, some models have  done  away
   with the concept of a "channel bank", i.e. the ability to
   select/deselect a group of channels at a time.  The  bank
   concept  was  a  good  one.   It  may  be inconvenient to
   operate a 30 channel scanner without banks (e.g.  Regency
   MX3000,  HX1000) if you operate the way many scanner hob-
   byists do.

   A few years ago, Regency and Bearcat  were  purchased  by
   Uniden, a Japanese company.

   My two favorite VHF/UHF receivers  are  the  300  channel
   Radio  Shack  PRO-2004  (now  replaced by the 400 channel
   PRO-2005) and the ICOM R7000.  The  ICOM  is  more  of  a
   "communications receiver" than a conventional scanner.

   Other favorites  include  the  Bearcat  300  and  760XLT,
   Regency  M400,  and the Regency K500 (predates the M400),
   all of which include a "service search" feature.

   For portable use, I  prefer  the  Uniden/Bearcat  200XLT,
   although  it's  the  Icom  IC-2GAT  scanning  138-174 MHz
   walkie-talkie that goes wherever I do.


   R-7000:  At about $1000, this is the Cadillac of  VHF/UHF
   receivers.   99 channel, multi mode coverage from 25-2000
   MHz with a small gap at 1000-1025  MHz.   Memory  can  be
   expanded  to  198 channels by adding simple switch to pin
   19 of memory IC8.  Tuning  knob  lets  you  tune  through
   parts  of  the spectrum much easier than using the SEARCH
   mode on conventional scanners.  Selectable USB/LSB allows
   reception  of  new  amplitude compandored sideband (ACSB)
   stations.  S-meter doubles as discriminator meter to  aid
   tuning.   Useful search and store feature, reminiscent of
   the the  Bearcat  250,  searches  between  2  limits  and
   automatically stores new frequencies into channels 80-99.
   Audio and control interface for tape recorder.   Searches
   and  scans  slowly  but can be sped up to about 12 cps by
   adding a resistor.  Too big for permanent mobile use, but
   too nice to leave alone in the car.  If you don't want to
   spend $1000, get a Radio Shack PRO-2004 instead for about


   800XLT:  40 channels in two banks.  Covers  806-912  MHz,
   as  well as of vhf, uhf, and aircraft bands.  Receives 10
   meter fm and all of 6 meters, as well as federal portions
   of  vhf and uhf bands.  Fewer birdies on vhf-lo band than
   other scanners.  Scans and searches  very  fast.   Clean,
   robust audio output.  Extremely sensitive, but very prone
   to overload by strong signals when connected  to  outdoor
   antenna.   Too  much play (hysteresis) in squelch adjust-
   ment - can be improved by changing one  resistor.   Posi-
   tive  terminal  in memory backup battery holder installed
   backwards in  early  units,  allowing  memory  loss  when
   scanner unplugged from AC outlet.  Tunes in increments of
   12.5 KHz on 800 MHz band, whereas cellular telephones are
   on 30 KHz channels.

   BC350:  50 channels in 5 banks.  Includes aircraft.  Used
   to  be  Bearcat's top of the line, overpriced scanner but
   never very popular, now discontinued.  Dual use  keyboard
   and  display  allowed  8 text characters to be associated
   with each channel, a feature  clumsily  implemented,  and
   awkward  to  use.   Units  plagued  with various hardware
   problems including bad memory ICs and  short  life  power
   transformers.  Firmware bugs without cures.  The BC300 is
   a much better scanner than the  BC350,  and  at  a  lower

   BC300:  50 channel top  of  the  line  scanner.   Service
   Search  feature  contains  11  ROM banks of preprogrammed
   channels.  Switching power supply failure noted in  early
   units  due  to insufficient capacitance - component value
   was changed in newer units.  Schematics show at least 100
   components  changed  between  earliest  and  later units.
   Preset squelch pot, mounted internally on circuit  board,
   misadjusted  in  new  units - adjustment usually required
   after burn-in period.  Good sensitivity.  Built in clock.
   I leave it on 24 hours a day.  This is a favorite.

   BC20/20:  40 channels.  Reasonable  number  of  features.
   Service  Search  for  Marine  and Aircraft.  LED readout.
   Good scanner, but tinny audio.

   BC250:  50 channel discontinued model.  Rich in features,
   but  lacks  aircraft  band  and  144-146 MHz.  Search and
   Store feature extremely useful for finding  federal  fre-
   quencies.   Clock.   High  frequency  of  repair.   Power
   transistors not heat sinked adequately, causing heat dam-
   age to surrounding components and circuit board.  Failure
   of Q204 on the feature board known to cause  odd  display
   readings.   Digital  circuitry very sensitive to glitches
   caused by static and AC line spikes.  Avoid 1978 or  ear-
   lier  vintage  units.   All  BC250s use custom ICs (e.g.,
   IC6, a divider chip, mfd. by Exar), which are now discon-
   tinued,  so  factory  service is no longer available from

   BC260:  Super heavy duty metal  cabinetry  and  lit  con-
   trols, aimed at mobile use for firemen, police, etc.  Few
   frills, only 16 channels, no aircraft, but generous  cov-
   erage  of  federal  bands  omitted  in  the older Bearcat
   scanners.  Good sensitivity.  Lots of audio.  Good inter-
   nal  construction.   Backlit keyboard allows operation in
   the dark, but the keyboards on some  units  require  high
   pressure  to operate.  Brightness control for display and
   keyboard, but multiplexor circuitry for  vacuum  fluores-
   cent display produces audible whine which may be annoying
   in a quiet room.  Backlighting may fail in some units due
   to  poor  contact on connector used to fasten light panel
   to front circuit board.  Method of connecting an external
   speaker is awkward.

   BC100:  First programmable portable.  Be prepared for  at
   least  one  repair  in the first year.  Early units, with
   threaded  antenna  connector,  have  high  frequency   of
   repair,  particularly  LCD readout, keyboard, and battery
   holder.  No battery backup.  Poor case  design  in  early
   units  caused battery to disconnect from radio, resetting
   microprocessor and clearing memories.  No priority  chan-
   nel  or  aircraft  band.  Some people swear by the BC100,
   others swear at them.

   BC100XLT:  Excellent 100 channel portable with 10  prior-
   ity  channels.  Unique feature tells whether a given fre-
   quency has already been memorized.  Generous coverage  of
   conventional bands, including commercial aircraft, but no
   800 MHz.  Decent leather-like  case.   Slide-on  550  mAH
   NiCd battery pack.

   BC101:  First Bearcat synthesized unit.  16 channels,  no
   priority.  Frequency programmed in binary by setting tog-
   gle switches on front panel after looking up code in code
   book.  No frequency readout.  Uses custom IC for CPU, now
   discontinued, so factory authorized service is no  longer
   available.  I have four of these units.  Three work.

   Bearcat_12:  One of the last  decent  crystal  controlled
   scanners.   10  channels.   Variable  scan speed up to 20
   ch/sec.  Single delay on/off switch.  Front mount speaker
   sounds  good.  Manual contains schematic.  Selectivity is
   poorer than programmable models, like the  300,  allowing
   adjacent  channel  interference.  No aircraft band cover-
   age.  Crystal positions must be arranged by band.


   TMR_series:  First generation crystal scanners.  Come  in
   all varieties of band coverage.  Models with both UHF and
   VHF bands  must  use  separate  antennas  for  each  band
   (disadvantage  in  mobile installations, but can be over-
   come by connecting two front ends via a capacitor).  Easy
   to  crystal:   Radio Shack crystals work well.  TMRs usu-
   ally $2 and up ad  hamfests,  often  in  poor  condition.
   Don't  pay  more than $50, even if mint.  Front ends must
   be tuned for selected portions within the bands for  best
   sensitivity.    Wide   IF   selectivity   troublesome  in
   urban/suburban areas.  Primitive digital scanning circui-
   try  may  become  confused  at  times,  but  power off/on
   restores sanity.  Not all  that  bad  a  deal  if  cheap.
   Replaced by Regency ACT units.

   WHAMO-10:  Regency's first synthesized scanner.   Discon-
   tinued long ago.  Appearance more like a crystal scanner,
   with a single LED per channel.  User  has  to  break  off
   teeth  on  a metal 'comb' for each channel according to a
   code  book.   External  frequency  control  unit   DFS-5K
   optional.   UHF  VCO  reference oscillator drifts on some
   units.  Soldered sheet metal shields around some  circui-
   try  make access to some components difficult for servic-
   ing.   Comb  sockets  prone  to  bad  connections   after
   moderate use.

   K500:  Nice wood-like cabinet.  Discontinued  40  channel
   model  with  every  feature Regency could dream of in one
   scanner, except aircraft band.  Idle tone bypass  feature
   for  mobile  phone  stations works about 50% of the time.
   Weather alert feature.  Service Search in several  banks.
   Search  and  Store  facility  not  implemented as well as
   BC250, but better than none.  Built in clock  when  radio
   off  or  in  manual mode.  Can be programmed out of band.
   Reasonable performance, but sensitivity could be  better.
   Spring  contacts  on membrane keyboard may need soldering
   after prolonged use.

   K100:  Bare bones version of the K500.  10  channels,  no
   priority  feature.  Same wood-like cabinet and reasonable
   performance as K500.  Spring contacts  on  membrane  key-
   board may need soldering after prolonged use.

   M400:  30 channel replacement for K500, but  now  discon-
   tinued.   Service  Search,  but no aircraft.  Easily pro-
   grammable out of band.  Built in clock when radio off  or
   in  manual mode.  Backlit keyboard good for night viewing
   and  mobile  use  but  generates  RFI  into   nearby   SW
   receivers.  A favorite.

   MX3000:  Discontinued 30 channel  replacement  for  M400,
   but  basic  features  only.   Nice  lit keyboard, but may
   cause RFI into nearby SW receivers.  Easily  programmable
   out  of  band, but no aircraft.  All 30 channels are in a
   single bank, and lack of direct channel access make  this
   model more difficult to operate.  Good first scanner.

   M100:  Discontinued 10  channel  unit.   Same  as  MX3000
   except  different  color  and fewer channels.  Nicely lit
   keyboard, but may cause RFI into nearby SW receivers.

   HX1000:  Good, fairly rugged, 30  channel  handheld  syn-
   thesized  unit.   Generous out of band coverage but no AM
   aircraft coverage.  Built by Azden.   Very  sensitive  on
   UHF,  but  annoying audio hiss leaks through speaker when
   squelched.   Belt  clip  chintzy,  but  can  be  directly
   replaced with better clip from Kenwood TR2600A.  Like the
   MX3000, all 30 channels are in a single bank, and lack of
   direct  channel  access make this model more difficult to
   operate.  Low discount price makes this best  choice  for
   programmable portable.

   HX650/H604:  6 channel crystal portable.  Likely made  by
   Sanyo.   Same  as  Fannon  and  Bearcat  Thin Scan units,
   (except that Bearcat has 10.8 MHz IF  frequency,  and  is
   harder  to  get  crystals  for), but scans faster.  Small
   size and common crystals (available at Radio Shack), make
   this 1st choice for bare bones portable scanner.

                         Radio Shack1

   PRO2004:  Top of the line, wide band  scanner  for  1987.
   After  a  diode  is  cut,  enjoy continuous coverage from
   25-520 and 760-1300 MHz, AM, NBFM,  and  WBFM.   Has  300
   channels  in  10 banks of 30, backed up by conventional 9
   volt alkaline battery.  Any channel can be designated the
   priority channel.  Scans and searches fast.  Lots of well
   designed  features,  like  10  pairs  of  search  limits,
   Lockout  Review,  default  search  increment and emission
   mode.  Sound Squelch allows skipping dead carriers during
   search  or  scan.  Metal cabinet, good internal construc-
   tion and shielding, but no mobile mounting bracket or  DC
   power  cord.   Soft touch membrane keyboard.  Good sensi-
   tivity and selectivity.  Very good radio.

   PRO2005:  Radio Shack's top of the line scanner for  1989
   and  today's  scanner  of  choice.   Essentially  a  size
   reduced PRO-2004 with surface mount  components  and  400
   channels.   Some  people  think  the small knobs, smaller
   display, and plastic cabinet are a setback from the 2004.
   The  smaller  size,  real  rubber  keyboard, and vertical
   front panel make it easer to use mobile,  although  there
   is  no mobile mounting bracket available and the keyboard
   is not backlit.  More sensitive than the PRO-2004 but 800
   MHz signals leak through into the commercial aero band.

   PRO34:  Portable scanner with 200 channels  and  800  MHz
   coverage.   Ten  "monitor"  channels.   Operates  from AA
   cells.  Slow scanning,  low  audio  output,  and  chintzy
   plastic  case detract from an otherwise good performance.
   No decent leather case available from  Radio  Shack.   If
   you  need  a portable with 800 MHz, get a Bearcat 200XLT.
   If you can't get a 200XLT, get a PRO-34.

   PRO2021:  Base/mobile scanner.  200 channels in 10 banks,
   LCD  display  and raised rubber keys.  Lots of memory but
   scans too slowly and lacks 800 MHz.  Ten "monitor"  chan-
   nels.   Radio  Shack seemed to have an overstock of 2021s
   as they were on sale for such a  long  time.   Close  out
   price  dipped to about $200, which made it a nice scanner
   for beginners.

   PRO2001:  Early, discontinued single bank 16 channel pro-
   grammable.   Reasonable  coverage  of  the  3 traditional
   bands, minus aircraft band.  LED digital display as  well
   as  an  LED  per  channel.  Mechanical lockout switch for
   each channel.  Delay is either on or off for all channels
   at  a  time.   High synthesizer noise level.  Troublesome
   plated through holes  on  digital  board  in  some  units
   renders  radio virtually unfixable.  Could never get mine
   to work more than a few days in a row; always another bad
   connection.  Some owners have no trouble.

   PRO52:  Discontinued 8 channel VHF-Lo/Hi base  unit.   No
   UHF  band or provision for mobile operation.  Good little
   scanner despite limited frequency  coverage  and  Spartan
   lack of frills.  Front mounted, vertical speaker always a

   PRO2003:  Radio Shack's 1986 top of line.  50 channels  +
   10  FM commercial broadcast band channels.  Includes air-
   craft.  Good frequency coverage and functionality, but at
   a  high price.  Poor human engineering: difficult to read
   keyboard makes the PRO2003 hard to operate  unless  in  a
   well lit room.  Keyboard label coloring improved on newer
   units.  Rather slow scan rate and high  price.   Although
   there  are  provisions  for  12VDC operation, the cabinet
   shape and lack of mounting bracket makes mobile operation
   impractical.  Scan rate only 8 channels/sec vs. 15/sec in
   Regency and Bearcat.  Causes RFI:  Plastic  case  permits
   scanner to radiate signals into nearby receivers.

   PRO30:  16 channel programmable  portable  with  aircraft
   band.   Good  frequency  coverage.  Extra controls on top
   allow control of SCAN,  MANUAL,  and  PRIORITY  functions
   while  worn  on belt.  Good belt clip.  Low audio output.
   Plastic case prone to  break  at  BNC  antenna  connector
   under  severe  use,  vs.  metal  frame in Regency HX1000.
   High price, no discounts or sales yet.   I  had  6  or  7
   PRO30s,  having to return them several times during the 1
   year warranty, although other owners have had  little  or
   no  trouble.   Troubles included oscillation in IF stage,
   no UHF band reception, case broken around base of antenna
   connector, etc.

   PRO24:  Only 4 channels in this crystal controlled  port-
   able.   Covers  the  three  basic bands, but no aircraft.
   Easy to obtain batteries  and  crystals.   Characteristic
   Radio  Shack  squelch  problem,  fixable  by changing one
   resistor.  All-plastic case larger than Bearcat Thin Scan
   and clones.


   4530:  Discontinued  Japanese  10  channel  crystal  con-
   trolled  3 band unit.  Also available under Plectron name
   but in different  cabinet.   No  aircraft  band.   Deluxe
   features  like  priority,  trimmer capacitors for netting
   each channel,  front  panel  speaker,  and  rugged  metal
   cabinet  make  this unit a winner.  Channel lockout slide
   switches have finite life.  Replacing burned  out  incan-
   descent  channel  lamps not fun.  Grab a 4530 if you find
   one in good condition.


   Manufactured the  first  synthesized  scanners.   Company
   went  out  of business several years ago.  Schematics and
   parts difficult to obtain.  Radios  reputed  to  be  poor
   performers.   Got my MS-2 and MCP-1 basket cases for free
   and sometimes  regret  taking  them.   Not  worth  fixing
   unless  you  have  access  to  DTL/RTL  chips and circuit


 1. Radio Shack scanners are manufactured by General
    Research Electronics of Tokyo (GRE).

 2. Craig is a division of Pioneer.

Bob Parnass, AJ9S - AT&T Bell Laboratories - att!ihuxz!parnass (708)979-5414