[bitnet.swl-l] Scanner Info Request.

mdc@BBN.COM> (01/16/90)

I will be willing to bet $12.00 to a dozen of "DUNKIN D"'s best
that this question has been asked before but :----

I want to get a scanner that will cover 6 to 10 frequencies,
go as high as 500 Mhz and as low as 46 Mhz, cover the 2 meter
and 440 ham bands and the downlinks for the geos weather
satellites. Price IS a consideration since I just replaced
my home-brew stuff with a Kenwood 440AT and I can't afford
the divorce and the alimony if I being another expensive piece
of gear into the shack at this time.

Reply either via the net or e-mail and I will try to summarize
and post in case there are other scanner novices out there.

Dave KE2AG