[net.space] Info on Japanese Amateur Satellite 1

karn@petrus.UUCP (Phil R. Karn) (03/01/86)

Posted: Sat  Feb 22, 1986   2:54 AM GMT              Msg: KGIG-2396-4697
To:     DOCS
Subj:   JAS1.DOC

     I                                                   I
     I                 J   A   S   -   1                 I
     I                                                   I


    JAS-1 is an amateur radio satellite, promoted by JARL as
    a joint venture  with  NASDA.  NEC constructed  "system"
    units (space frame, power supply etc.),   while  JAMSAT,
    with   its   selected  volunteer   JAS-1  project  team,
    designed and  built the "mission"  units  (transponders,
    telemetry/command  and house keeping micro-computer) and
    ground support systems.

    JAS-1  has   been  completed  and  has  passed  all  the
    necessary  tests.   It is in  a clean room  waiting  for
    the launch, currently scheduled for August 1986.

    The outline of this unique satellite is explained in the

    Many thanks to Harold Price, NK6K,  for  his  assistance
    in the preparation of this article.

                                          February 11, 1986

                                          Tak Okamoto
                                          191 Pinestone,
                                          Irvine, CA 92714

                                      Hamnet : 72307,3224
                                    Telemail : TOKAMOTO

   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    JAS-1 Mission Objectives:

    1.  JAS-1 will provide reliable world-wide amateur radio

    2.  JAS-1  will enable  radio amateurs to study tracking
    and command techniques.

    3.  JAS-1  will  offer an in-space  "proving ground" for
    radio amateur developed  and built transponders and sub-

    4.  JAS-1 will provide NASDA an opportunity to carry out
    a "multi-payload" launch using their new "H-1" launcher.
    (NASDA has never engaged in a multi-payload launch, thus
    the  JAS-1   project  will  offer  NASDA   an  excellent
    opportunity by providing  them with  an  active  payload
    having  its own  telemetry-beacon  and  transponder  for

   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. Form and general dimensions:

    The   spacecraft   takes    the   form   of  a  26-facet
    polyhedron,  which  measures  400 mm  X  400 mm X 470 mm
    and weighs 50 kilograms.

2. Launch and Orbit:

    JAS-1 will be launched into a circular low-earth  orbit,
    which will be non-sun synchronous and non-polar.

    Launch vehicle             : H-1   2 stage rocket

    Launch number              : Test Flight # 1

    Launch site                : Tanegashima Is.  Japan

    Launch date                : August 1986

    Estimated inclination      : 50 degrees

    Estimated altitude         : 1500 k.m.

    Estimated period           : 120 minutes

    Estimated window per pass  : 20 minutes/pass

    Estimated passes per day   : 8 passes/day

3. Designed life:

    Estimated lifetime is 3 years

4. Special Features of JAS-1:

    JAS-1 carries  two separate mode J transponders.  One is
    a  linear  transponder,   and  the  other is  a  digital
    "store-and-forward" transponder mainly for non-real-time
    communication between stations located in different time

    The reasons for selecting mode J for this first Japanese
    amateur radio communications satellite are:

    a)  It is becoming increasingly difficult to use 145-MHz
    for  a satellite downlink because of man-made electrical
    noise and other interference.

    b)  The planners of JAS-1 wanted to provide a  successor
    to  AMSAT  OSCAR-8's  mode  J,   which  was   originally
    developed by JAMSAT's engineering team back in 1976.

    c)   435 MHz   is  much  quieter than   145 MHz   as   a
    downlink  band,  it is comparatively free from  man-made
    noise and sky-temperature effects.

    The   digital  transponder  will  provide   "error-free"
    information exchange.

5. Transponders:

    a) The linear transponder = mode JA :

    The  passband  will  be  100 kHz wide.  The  transponder
    will have an output of 1 watt   p.e.p.   Ground stations
    will   need  an  uplink  power  of  100 watts   e.i.r.p.
    The sidebands will be reversed, i.e., the uplink is LSB, 
    the downlink is USB.  There will be a 100 mW c.w. beacon
    switchable to PSK when needed.

    Uplink   pass band : 145.90 MHz - 146.00 MHz
    Downlink pass band : 435.80 MHz - 435.90 MHz
    Beacon    freq.    : 435.795 MHz
    Translate freq.    : 581.80 MHz

    b) The digital transponder = mode JD :

    There  will  be four 145 MHz band input  channels  using
    Manchester  coded  FM for the uplink.   Ground  stations
    will  need  100  watts  e.i.r.p.   There  will  be   one
    downlink   channel in the 435 MHz band  using  PSK,  the
    output will be 1 watt RMS.

    Channels are :

    Uplink   channel 1 : 145.850 MHz
      ,,     channel 2 : 145.870 MHz
      ,,     channel 3 : 145.890 MHz
      ,,     channel 4 : 145.910 MHz
    Downlink channel   : 435.910 MHz

    The data format is HDLC.   The protocol is AX.25 Level 2 
    Version  2.  The data  transfer  rate  is 1200  bps  for 
    both uplink  and downlink.

    The reasons for not using  Bell-202 type  FSK modulation

    a)  To  reduce the  parts count  onboard  JAS-1.   Using
    Manchester  coded FM for uplink reduces JAS-1's  onboard
    decoder chip count by 16.

    b)  To  improve the downlink margins.   Due  to  JAS-1's
    tight  power  budget,  only 1 watt is generated  by  the
    downlink  transmitter.    A  more  efficient  modulation
    scheme like PSK is required.

    JAS-1  will be  a store  and  forward  system but not  a
    real time digipeater.  Digipeating is  not an  effective 
    use of a low orbit satellite such as JAS-1, which  has a 
    limited communication foot print and visibility time.

    JAS-1  has  4 uplink channels  for  1  downlink channel.
    This  is  because  the  difference of channel efficiency
    between  uplink  and  downlink.  An  uplink  channel  is 
    shared by several ground  users.  Since the ground users
    can't hear each other, and are listening to the downlink 
    channel  anyway,  the  uplinks  are  subject  to  packet 
    collisions.  This  scheme is called "Pure ALOHA", and is
    known to have a theoretical  maximum  channel throughput 
    of 18.4%.  The JAS-1  downlink is 100%  efficient, since
    only JAS-1  transmits  there.  To  balance  capacity, as 
    well as add redundancy, four uplink channels  are  used.
    The combined uplink efficiency is then 4 * 18.4% or 76%.
    The remaining downlink time is used for general messages
    and telemetry data.

    JAS-1  will  accept a connect from only one station at a 
    time  with  the  software  scheduled  for  initial  use.
    Multiple  connections  will  be  supported in subsequent 
    software updates.  General packet operation is scheduled
    to begin in November 1986.

6.  Digital Hardware:

    The microprocessor  is  a MIL-STD-883B  screened NSC-800
    running  with  a  1.6MHz clock.    This   is   the  only 
    processor on board. It controls the  digital transponder 
    and also acts as an IHU (Integrated Housekeeping Unit).

    The  on-board  memory  has   a  1.5MB  physical  storage
    capacity.   48  chips  of  NMOS  256K  DRAMs  are  used.
    A hardware  based error-detection/correction circuit  is
    incorporated  to protect  the entire  1.5 MB and provide
    an  1 MB  error  free  memory  area.  The system program
    occupies  some  32KB,  the  rest  is  used  for  message

    The   memory  unit  is  physically   divided  into  four 
    identical  256KB  memory  cards,  any one  of  which can
    be assigned as the system area.  Up to three  cards  can 
    be turned off.   This design provides system  redundancy 
    and allows command stations to control power consumption 
    without a total loss of service.

    JAS-1 has five hardware HDLC controllers.   Four of them
    are for the uplink channels and one is for the  downlink 
    channel.   In  total,  these controllers consist of some 
    140 CMOS MSIs,  yet their power consumption is less than 
    that of a single NMOS LSI HDLC controller like WD-1933.

    JAS-1 does not have any ROM but has simple hardware boot
    strap  circuit  instead.   This  design  is  to increase
    system flexibility and reliability.

7. Power system:

    25  of  JAS-1's 26 faces are covered with a total of 979
    pieces of solar cells.  They  will generate 8.5 watts of
    power at the beginning of life.

    JAS-1 employs  11 Ni-Cd battery cells with a capacity of
    6 AH.  These  supply  14 volts  average to  JAS-1's main
    power buss.  The 14 volts is converted  and regulated to
    +10V, +5V and -5V.

8. Antenna system:

    JAS-1 has three antennas.

    2 m reception antenna

     Slant 1/4 wave Mono-pole   Isotropic        -4 dBi gain

    70 cm transmission antenna

     Mode-JA : Slant Turnstile L.H.C.P.  +Z axis +3 dBi gain
     Mode-JD : Slant Turnstile R.H.C.P.  -Z axis +3 dBi gain

9. Attitude control:

    Forced  shaking   using  the earth's geomagnetic  field.  
    JAS-1 has two 1 ATm sq. permanent magnets in its Z axis.

10. Telemetry:

    Analog  system  telemetry  has 12 analog channels and 33
    system status flags.  This telemetry can be sent without
    the  help  of the NSC800 microprocessor  and   will   be  
    turned  on automatically  by the separation from the H-1 
    launcher.   The telemetry is sent on the 100mW beacon on 
    435.795MHz in CW,  switchable to PSK.

    Digital system  telemetry has  29 analog channels and 33
    system status flags.  This software driven telemetry can
    be   sent  in any  format,   and can include short  text 
    messages.  This telemetry can be sent on either the mode 
    JD  downlink  channel  (435.910MHz) or the  mode  JA  CW 
    beacon (435.795MHz).

11. Command:

    A  simple  3-channel  tele-command system  is  used  for
    global    control   functions,    e.g.   JA  transponder
    "ON"/"OFF",  JD transponder "ON"/"OFF"  and  independent
    "ON"/"OFF" of the A-0  beacon. An additional 37 channels
    are  available   mainly  for  controlling   the  digital

    Onboard command from the NSC-800 is also available.

12. Ground stations:


    A ground station setup which  was used for Amsat Oscar-8
    mode-J  can be used  for JAS-1 mode-JA. A station with a
    10 watt 2 m SSB transmitter and a 10dBi beam for uplink;
    and a 70 cm receiver (with low NF) with a 15dBi beam for 
    downlink; should be adequate for this job.


    In addition  to the mode-JA set up,  FM mode is required
    for the 2 m transmitter.

    Since   JAS-1 uses the standard AX.25 protocol and  1200 
    bps data rate,   ground stations  will be able to use  a 
    TAPR-style  TNC,  a  2 m FM  transmitter  and  a  70  cm 
    receiver without modification.

    The JAS-1 modem, a special interface board, will be made
    available  containing  the  Manchester modulator  and an
    audio   PSK  demodulator   allowing   connection  to the 
    "modem  disconnect"   connector  of  a  TAPR-style  TNC.
    The modem also connects to the  audio  input and PTT  of 
    the  2m  FM  transmitter  and  to the  audio  output and
    frequency control (option) of a 70 cm SSB receiver.

    Although  JAS-1 will be available  to individual access,     
    the   general   amateur  community   will  benefit  from
    "JAS-1 gateways".    Messages  relayed  through gateways
    can  be  sent  worldwide  and  is  as  easy  as  sending
    messages to distant stations via a W0RLI HF gateway.

13. Outline of project history/schedule:

    November   1982 : Freezing of conceptual/preliminary design

    December   1982 : Preliminary Design

    April      1983 : Detail Design
    - June     1984   Engineering Modules Integration & Test
                      Ground Support System Integration

    July       1984 : Flight Model #1 Integration & EIC/MIC
    - December 1984

    January    1985 : Flight Model #1 General Test
    - March    1985

    January    1985 : Flight Model #2 Integration & EIC/MIC
    - August   1985

    August     1985 : Flight Model #2 General Test
    - November 1985

    November   1985 : Software development.
    -  ?


JARL News, JAS-1 User's Guide (Those are available only in