[bitnet.swl-l] Strangeness from SWL-L@CUVMa

JBH technical <JBHTECH@IRISHMVS.bitnet> (02/27/90)

     Is anyone getting *empty* postings from SWL-L?  Every day
for about the last week or so I've received as many as half a
dozen mail messages with the return address, SWL-L@CUVMA,
which have a strange, one line message saying something like
'<<< No message collected >>>' or words to that effect.  What's


   John B Harlan    .   BITNET:  JBHTech@IrishMVS                     .
   JBH technical    . Internet:  JBHTech@IrishMVS.CC.ND.Edu           .
                    .                                                 .
 JBHNews & Online-L .    Snail   125 West Marion Street  529          .
   @IndyCMS et al   .     mail:  South Bend, Indiana 46601-1096 USA   .

Wolfgang Thiel <UPSYF173@DBIUNI11.bitnet> (02/28/90)

I got lots of empty messages, too.