[sub.tex] Looking for books or articles about the syntax of Bibtex

jzeng@norway.biop.umich.edu (Jim Zeng (313)763-5449) (01/02/91)

Does anyone know any books or articles about the syntax of Bibtex .bst file?

-- Jim

david@doe.utoronto.ca (David Megginson) (01/02/91)

In article <1991Jan1.213044.5337@engin.umich.edu> jzeng@norway.biop.umich.edu (Jim Zeng (313)763-5449) writes:
>Does anyone know any books or articles about the syntax of Bibtex .bst file?
>-- Jim

The standard source is Appendix A of Leslie Lamport's LaTeX User's Guide
and Reference Manual. You will need the guide to use LaTeX anyway, so
you may as well buy it now.

/  David Megginson                      david@doe.utoronto.ca          /
/  Centre for Medieval Studies          meggin@vm.epas.utoronto.ca     /