[sub.tex] slitex sample wanted

horst@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de (Horst Hogenkamp) (05/03/91)

It would be nice if anyone could send me a slitex sample.
A manual reference or thelike would be welcome too.

REASON: I want to use slitex, we do have the program,
	we do not have any documentation or samples.

Thanks a lot

texinfo1@rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (Rainer Schoepf) (05/06/91)

In article <1991May03.093615.15796@unibi.uni-bielefeld.de> horst@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de (Horst Hogenkamp) writes:
>It would be nice if anyone could send me a slitex sample.
>A manual reference or thelike would be welcome too.
Leslie Lamport: LaTeX - A Document Prepartion System, Addison-Wesley

   Dr. Rainer Sch"opf
   DANTE Koordinator f"ur Server
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   Federal Republic of Germany
   <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.de> oder <Schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.dbp.de>