[alt.hackers] Interesting mail...

hydra@intl.terrorist.ORG (Hydra Project) (08/24/90)

This appeared in our mailbox today:

    From: hydra@intl.terrorist.ORG (Hydra Project)
    To: CLIFF@cmsa.Berkeley.EDU (Cliff Frost {415} 642-5360)
    Cc: raja@athena.Berkeley.EDU (Raja - Hacker of ForumNet - eek),
        gwh@ocf.Berkeley.EDU (Get Wily Hackers),
        root@AI.MIT.EDU (About to be up-rooted - eek)
    Subject: High Noon at MIT - The Duke come to town.
    Bogus-mailer-header: EEK Mail 2.4.3

    It's time for this venerable agency of evil to leave the old netwaves,
    but before we go, we must introduce our successor:  The Dreaded Duke!
    (Eek!)  His hackings are so infamous we needn't go into detail, but we
    just wanted to announce our retirement brought about by his coming of
    age.  Lock up your data and cut your phone lines - the Duke cometh!

    Hydra Project
    Eek is a registered trademark (R) of Hydra Project.

    Subject: Re:  raja
    Status: R

    i'm checking into it (with tim).

    raja's been bragging that for his birthday (coming
    up), he's going to "do his biggest crack ever," or
    somesuch, into mit.  somehow, i'm guessing that that's
    the sort of thing that may lose him a ucsc account.

    as far as i know, he's going to be a volunteer
    consultant (hence the account) for the summer,
    just so you know.


    Subject: Re:  raja
    Status: R

    he's talking about doing it again.
    <tiana> he kicked himself out???
    <ThunderStorm> sure :)
    [=Change=] "JC" (gt1198b@richsun4.gatech.edu) has entered the group.
    <ThunderStorm> I do that alot :) fun :)
    <0> Rehi JC.
    <Duke> Well, I plan to get rid of my teenage years by doing my
    <Duke> grandest crack and then hopefully quitting cracking forever.
    <Duke> mit, or rather ai.mit.edu to be precise. That's the last crack
    <Duke> I do, I suppose .....

    [=Status=] JC changed the topic to "Don't Do Crack".
    catching up... a third of my live, figuring on a 75 year lifespan.
    <Duke> hi? You are a ???????, JC, ya know .....
    <tiana> i knew that was coming.
    <Duke> hey ... when I mean crack, I mean crack computer systems ....

This lunatic must be stopped at all costs.  He has no concept of the
meaning of hacking, or of Hydra Project.

We want to return the mystique to computing.

Look at the world today.  Sad, isn't it?  We are looking at a future
where programming languages are designed by the ARMY, where GUI's make
computers easy for the USERS, and where root access can-- and often
is-- handed to a complete and utter ZONE DWEEBIE.

Ah, the days of getting cancer from the 30-odd hours spent debugging
in front of a terminal are truly over, aren't they?

% /usr/lib/.beroot                | Hydra Project -- Athena team
/usr/lib/.beroot: file not found. | "Patch all you want -- we'll hack more!"

"Patch all you want -- we'll hack more!" is a trademark of Hydra Project.
"Eek!" is a registered trademark of Hydra Project.
"UNIX" is a registered trademark of AT&T.