(Gene Sale) (01/05/90)
Index Number: 6090 I have an idea that I am in need of some sound advice about. Let me share with you this idea and feel free to comment. I would like establish a 1-800-### for all the disabled and those associated with the handicap for the purpose of exchanging valuable information on education,rights,medical,etc... I am a father of a blind child and have found that information at best is by word of mouth. I feel that there is a great need for a point of contact between the handicap ,support groups, and the agencies that may be of bennefit. If anyone knows how and what is needed to accomplish this please feel free to comment. I shall be waiting for any and all replies. Thankyou. Gene -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!8!Gene.Sale Internet: (Ron Rothenberg) (01/05/90)
Index Number: 6142 GS> I would like establish a 1-800-### for all the disabled and GS> those associated with the handicap for the purpose of GS> exchanging valuable information on GS> education,rights,medical,etc... Hi Gene, Much of what you wished for exists already. Sometimes you have to spend a bit of time on the phone as you get referred around the country, but here goes some good sources. First I would try the local chapters of the blind organizations, AFB, NFB and ACB. I'm still not real clear on the difference, but others here could give you a better breakdown. Second, try community information services. The local United Way generally has a info help line. They're not always equipped with the latest info, but they give you somewhere to start. The Self-Help Clearing House has a list of most self-help and support groups in the country. I have their number someplace and will post. If you live in Massachusetts, the Information Center for Individuals with Disabilities has every conceivable piece of such info that you might want. Their address is Fort Point Place; 27-43 Wormwodd Street, Boston, MA 02210=1606. They publish a monthly newsletter called TOGETHER which gives information on local programs, newly accessible businesses, special events, government entitlement programs, etc. TOGETHER is sent free to disabled people, family members and friends. They charge $25 for Human Services Providers, Educators and Librarians, Health Care Professionals, and employers of people with disabilities or OTHERS. I try to post the news items of national interest here. In my Human Services Yellow Pages I show a number of support groups for parents of disabled kids in the area. I'll give you the names, and perhaps your phonebook will tell you if any exist in your area: Advocacy Associates (Groups for parents of speciall needs children) Enable (I believe this is a nationwide support group system. They are all over MA.) Jewish Family and Childrens' Service (available to all. You'll find them through the United Jewish Federation in the nearest Urban area) Federation for Children with Special Needs PARENT-TO-PARENT - under the auspices of ARC, but they have groups for new parents of disabled children.) I notice that the Perkins School for the Blind near her has a listing under Children's services and Early Intervention. Write to VISION, 818 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02172. They have a catalogue of info on their RESOURCE LIST. THey have lots of booklets available in Large Print, sometimes cassette, sometimes Braille, sometime diskette. Amonthg the titles you may be interested in are: RESOURCES FOR SELF=HELP SUPPORT GROUPS - A list of helpful publications, self-help clearinghouses and other self=help resources. Large print $5.00. INFORMATION SOURCES FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PARENTS - Annotated bibliography, updated annually. - Print - $2.00. NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER FOR HANDICAPPED CHILDREN AND YOUTH -- Sample newsletter - Print - free. The catalogue is free. To order the handling charge is 1-10 items -$3.00 11-20 items -$5.00 20+ items $10.00 There's lots of other good info in their catalogue. If you join, they send you an update every 2 months. ********* National Eye Care Project 1-800-222-EYES Blind Children's Fund, Inc. New England Parents of Visually Handicapped Children Waltham Fellowship for the Visually Impaired. Maybe Barb Akin has some info, too, though here bailiwick is blind parents, but there might be some overlap in her newsletter. Hope this gets you started and is helpful. -rsr- ... There is no fate that can not be surmounted by scorn - A. Camus -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!101!460!Ron.Rothenberg Internet: