(Scott Luebking) (01/05/90)
Index Number: 6033 I used to scuba dive in college after my accident and was interested in getting back into it. Does anyone have recommendations of people I could contact who could offer some advice? Thanks, Scott (415) 548-2520 Scott Luebking {mtxinu,sun,pyramid,pacbell}!sybase!scottl (Ronald L. Lahti) (01/12/90)
Index Number: 6191 > I used to scuba dive in college after my accident and was interested > in getting back into it. Does anyone have recommendations of people I > could contact who could offer some advice? Hi Scott! I am an Open Water Instructor with several specialty certifications. One of my primary areas of interest is the development of a practical system for the instruction of handicapped divers. I have taught basic techniques to the sight impaired, hearing impaired, and have also worked with paraplegics. I have only had the opportunity to dive with two quadraplegics, but the experience was vastly rewarding and I would like to get involved. If you have any questions, you are free to call me at (619) 564-4159. That is my BBS line. Leave me a message, or I will try to get with you this week sometime. I live in the Palm Springs Area... but have great knowledge of the Bay Area and the Sonoma Coastline. I used to teach up there! Stay in touch! Ron # Origin: [The Hawk's Nest - LaQuinta, CA] (8:911/302) -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!10!8!Ronald.L..Lahti) Internet: (PANDORA NIGH) (01/12/90)
Index Number: 6194 Hi Scott, there used to be a disabled divers national organization, but I'm not sure what happened to it. I had an address for them last year and tried contacting them and got no response. I even tried a long distance phone call to no avail. I don't know if it has been disbanded or just that I received a bad address. Recently I received a 1990 list of sport organizations for the disabled and they were not listed at all. Barring find instructors and facilities in your area from the national the only suggestion I can make is to call around to your local dive shops and YMCA's. Another place to try if they can't help you is your local police or fire dept. In the Cleveland area they have a police officer and a fireman that are certified instructors and they give special classes for the disabled, maybe someone in your area is doing the same. Of course making the calls and inquiring may spark someone into starting a program in your area if one doesn't already exist. Pandora -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!157!532!PANDORA.NIGH Internet: (Ron Rothenberg) (01/12/90)
Index Number: 6198 SL> From: (Scott Luebking) SL> Message-ID: <9349@bunker.UUCP> SL> I used to scuba dive in college after my accident and was SL> interested in getting back into it. Does anyone have Hi Scott, There was an article on para or quad scuba diving in last summer's Accent on Living Magazine. I don't have it available right here, but if you don't get any contracts from the thousands of scuba divers who lurk on this echo. . . -rsr- ... There is no fate that can not be surmounted by scorn - A. Camus -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!101!460!Ron.Rothenberg Internet: