[misc.handicap] speach query

RLAMBER@VAX2.CONCORDIA.CA (Robert M. Lambert) (01/18/90)

Index Number: 6317

[This is from the BLIND-L mailing list on Bitnet.   Bill McGarry]


I ;have recently seen a description of the APH/NFB speach unit
called the <SPEAQUALIZER>.  The unit sounds quite worth examining,
but in the description there was no evaluative asessment of how the
machine really works from an "operator's" point of view.  If anyone
has used the device and can comment on its operational ease, its
speach quality, its compatibility with software packages and the
like, I would appreciate the feedback.  Thanks.

Bob Lambert

JLL@UMNACVX.BITNET (John Larsen) (01/18/90)

Index Number: 6323

[This is from the BLIND-L mailing list on Bitnet.   Bill McGarry]

     I have used the Speaqualizer for about 6 nonths and I can say
it is completely compatable with any software because it will only
review the screen in various ways.  the concept of this kind
of computer is excellent.  If APH would have paid more attention
to speech synthesis, everything would have been close to perfect.

          John L. Larsen
          University of Minnesota
          Academic Computing Services