[misc.handicap] food

Dominic.Gill@p22.f102.n250.z2.fidonet.org (Dominic Gill) (02/04/90)

Index Number: 6596

In a message to Betty Draughon <19 Jan 90 20:34:00> Donna Siren wrote:

 >BD> I trust you want *fresh* okra, right?  Then better plan your visit
 >BD> for the summer months when okra grows best over here.  You want it
 >BD> battered with corn meal and fried in bacon drippings?  Or do you
 >BD> prefer the corn meal/flour mixture, and fried in corn oil?  Deep
 >BD> fried, or fried in the frying pan like you ate it as a kid?

Yum.  Jeez, this conversation is really getting my saliva working overtime!

We can get okra in England: I guess it just aint gonna taste quite the same over here as you make it sound, though!

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!2!250!102.22!Dominic.Gill
Internet: Dominic.Gill@p22.f102.n250.z2.fidonet.org