(Chip Orange) (02/13/90)
Index Number: 6744 Orange Enterprises (the new name for my business) would like to extend a special trade-up offer to current speech synthesizer users. When purchasing a SpeakEasy speech synthesizer directly from Orange Enterprises at the normal suggested retail (currently $995) we will offer a $100 credit for any model of working text-to-speech synthesizer in good (re-salable) condition. If the synthesizer uses a text-to-speech program resident in the host computer, then a leagal copy of such software must also accompany the synthesizer. The synthesizer must be in full working order and must be accompanied by a letter stating such. This offer may be with-drawn without notice, so please call us before sending your synthesizer. Chip Orange Orange Enterprises work phone: (904) 487-2680 home phone: (904) 877-0061 -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!115!778!Chip.Orange Internet: