[misc.handicap] More on Theaters and Wheelchair Users

Jeff.Salzberg@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Jeff Salzberg) (02/13/90)

Index Number: 6755

 RR> Gramercy Theater allegedly told one wheelchair user she 
 RR> couldn't go into the theater unless she had a companion with 
 RR> her, and simply kept another from entering at all in a 
 RR> wheelchair. 
 RR> The manager of the Murray Hill Movie Theater told a wheelchair 
 RR> user a fire rule said he couldn't obstruct the aisle.  Since 
 RR> the man couldn't transfer from his chair, he was denied access.

 RR> "Safety" is the issue, says the National Association of Theatre 
 RR> Owners, whose members own over 12,000 of the nation's movie 
 RR> houses.

As a theatre manager, I can categorecally state that the claims made by
the above-mentioned managers and their agents are pure,
unadulterated...er...toro poopoo.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89!Jeff.Salzberg
Internet: Jeff.Salzberg@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org