[misc.handicap] Disabled Alert Decals

Duncan.Seavey@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org (Duncan Seavey) (02/13/90)

Index Number: 6759

A company that produces window decals warning firefighters that children or 
pets are inside a house now has produced a similar sticker for people with 
disabilities.  The fluorescent DISABLED ALERT DECAL directs firefighters to 
the room where a disabled person might be, saving critical time during a fire 

For a set of the three decals, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope and 
$2.00 to Pet Alert/Child Alert, P.O. Box 11306, Chicago, IL  60611.

(From the "Reach News", vol 3, # 1, Jan 90)

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!130!10!Duncan.Seavey
Internet: Duncan.Seavey@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org