(Greg See-Kee) (03/06/90)
Index Number: 7075 RR> She now sings from the wheelchair. Some of her RR> songs are about how people treat disabled people. It'd be great if you could find out more. About 10 years ago I created Australia's first radio show for & by disabled people. We had a few albums of Australian disability songs. If there is a USA (or whatever) radio producer around, I'd be willing to swap tapes. One of the songwriter is an American. We also released a fairly large songbook featuring her disability songs. Would be interested in similar things outside of Australia. The radio program that I launched celebrates its 10 th anniversary soon. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!3!714!404.0!Greg.See-Kee Internet: