[misc.handicap] Help Needed

William.Hall@hnews.fidonet.org (William Hall) (02/23/90)

Index Number: 6902

I'm a 49 yo male who has cerebral Palsy.  Prior to 12/86, I worked
21 years for a large computer firm. At that time, its management
decided I was handicapped (they're slow to catch on, like most
large bureacracies), so I was placed on medical disability--with
a concomitant cut of 60% salary and benfits.  Since last June I
have been working for a very small software firm as a statistician.
Last Thursday I was "laid off" supposedly due to "lack of work" in
the firm.
I have documented through memoranda (some to the CEO--well, I said
it was a small firm, didn't I?...and, after all, he's the one who
hired me and sketched [I use that term advisidely, since he was
less than clear about his expectations]) the progress, and lack of
same over the intervening 8 1/2 months.  The crux of the matter
being that 1) the colleagues who needed to supply background info
to me, simply would not deal with me (I suspect disibiliti-phobia!),
and  2) even when I attempted to make written requests, these
request were deemed unclear (altho' I personally was never informed
of such until months after-the-fact) and ignored.
The CEO never, ever inquired concerning my progress, or lack of it.
His office is scarcely 15 feet from mine.  I wrote a very fine rep-
ort, all colleagues in my department said so--as well as my im-
mediate manager. Unfortunately, it was a report which could have
been written in August (a memorandum I wrote then says that plain-
ly). It's content is not what was wanted.  I knew that...the CEO
knew that since I'd months ago laid out the information and data
I'd need to give him the kind of analysis I knew (since my init-
ial hiring interview in April, 1989) he wanted.  On Thursday, I
composed a final letter to the CEO detailing my disappointment
over the unprofessional way he and certain colleagues have chosen
to ingore legitimate BUSINESS needs which I partially detailed (I
figured it was unnecessary to rehearse [such sordid] history yet
again--he has the memoranda after all!).  Again, I have received
no response. Received no acknowledgement at all.
I received only one (1) day severence pay.  I am uneligible for
unemployment compensation, probably because I was paid 1/2 or less
as much as a non-disabled person with comparable qualifications and
Can anyone suggestion some measures to get the attention of this
CEO?  If Georgia were not the worst of all states as far as Employ-
ment Protection, then litigation might be the answer; however, since
she is, going to court seems out of the question.  If a consensus
thinks a massive letter-writing campaign to this CEO would shake
some things loose, let me know.  If I gather enoughh positive res-
ponses to that suggestion, then I'll happily forward names, address-
es, and whatever other information people deem necessary in order
for them to compose a reasoned inquiry to this gentleman concerning
my situation there.
Thanks to All,                          February 21, 1990
William Hall

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!William.Hall
Internet: William.Hall@hnews.fidonet.org

Robert.Norstrand@f8.n10.z1.fidonet.org (Robert Norstrand) (02/27/90)

Index Number: 6975

William, I would take the coompany to court anyway.  How else are you
going to get equal rights for handicapped workers?  The legal system
may be uninformed about disabilities but there IS a federal law against
discrimination.  Good luck.

 # Origin: The Magic RBBS, Lakeland, FL (813) 688-8151 (1:137/600) (8:925/10)


Dean.Martineau@f25.n343.z1.fidonet.org (Dean Martineau) (03/02/90)

Index Number: 7025

I suggest you consider mediation as a means of resolving your
dispute with your former employer.  There may be a dispute
resolution center or community mediation service in your area, and
their rates will be low.  Even a private mediator will be less
expensive in the long run than an attorney.  A skilled mediator
will bring out both the substantive issues and the underlying
emotional interests which have caused and fueled this unfortunate
dispute.  If you are able to arrange for mediation, you will at the
very least have a full opportunity to tell your story, something
you would probably not have in the court system.  And since the
courts are apparently not a viable option in your case, you haven't
got much to lose by trying it.  i'll be happy to answer any
questions you may have about the process, which I am currently


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!343!25!Dean.Martineau
Internet: Dean.Martineau@f25.n343.z1.fidonet.org

Greg.See-Kee@p0.f404.n714.z3.fidonet.org (Greg See-Kee) (03/06/90)

Index Number: 7078

 WH> I'm a 49 yo male who has cerebral Palsy.  Prior to 
 WH> 12/86, I worked 21 years for a large computer firm.

I'm surprised you haven't also tried other agencies: the
organizations that specialize in general disability, or just deal
with CP...

Are things that different outside of Australia ?

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!3!714!404.0!Greg.See-Kee
Internet: Greg.See-Kee@p0.f404.n714.z3.fidonet.org