(Greg See-Kee) (03/02/90)
Index Number: 7032 PG> Maybe in the final analysis, we need PG> to take a lesson from the girl who waited eagerly for PG> a call from her boyfriend, and who said, "I care WHAT PG> you call me, just so you call me." Now that I'm a disabled male, I too miss out on the need to be needed, to be regarded as worthwhile, to be valued. I took note of other messages on "pet companions". I have a cat, but all she does is sleep and eats cat pellets. Unfortunately I'm not a cat. I was brought up with humans, by humans. Now that I am disabled, I have what I think is one of the biggest disabilities of all: BRAIN DAMAGE. That means I'm a grumpy man, who is such a PAIN to be with. I envy all you other people who only have peripheral damage. At least some of you have people skills. And all of you have the potential to use your people skills to relate to each other, face to face. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!3!714!404.0!Greg.See-Kee Internet: (Red Maple) (03/20/90)
Index Number: 7218 Hello, Joe, I guess you were not in a good mood when you typed your response to Greg See-Kee's message concerning his disability. Sure he can walk, and go to the bathroom by himself. He can watch television and smell the flowers. He can go and come as he likes. But having a major head injury is probably the worse disability. I can empathies with Greg as I have a son with a major head injury and also a friend. It seems that their brain receives all the input that their senses can capture, but unfortunatelly, the brain may not be able to process it rightly. The output is the most difficult part. The worst part it seems, is that they look all right physically, and no one believes that they have a disability. I prefer to live with my disability. I felt like responding to Greg when I first read his message of complaint, but waited to see more of his messages. cheers, REd -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!163!223!Red.Maple Internet: