[misc.handicap] Garbage

Greg.See-Kee@f631.n712.z3.fidonet.org (Greg See-Kee) (05/25/90)

Index Number: 8511

 LI> Physical harm referred to the circumstances involving medical 
 LI> researchers/professional, such as you were/are in applying 
 LI> treatments or witholding such without a patient's/victim's 
 LI> knowledge.

Unclear what this "witholding" is about.  Probably because I was
employed & trained in the disability professions, before my

 LI> In order to continue with your life and put this
 LI> developmental process in your adult life behind you, you will have 
 LI> to interact with others, maybe that is from where the anger...and 
 LI> fear is coming.

Not sure about "fear" -- I find it hard as an ex-professional
soldier to fearful of civilian life.

On the "developmental process" - I've now identified the stages:

  1) Defining the Self, pre-disability
  2) Killing off the Pre-disability self
  3) Discovering & defining the "Disabled-Self"
  4) Killing off the "Disabled-Self" (age-ing, repair, etc)
  5) Defining the Emergent Self

At this stage, I'm at level 5.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!3!712!631!Greg.See-Kee
Internet: Greg.See-Kee@f631.n712.z3.fidonet.org

Laura.Irby@f210.n271.z1.fidonet.org (Laura Irby) (05/31/90)

Index Number: 8545

Fantastic!  I've never seen such a clear delineation of the 
developmental stages.  Is it yours?  We don't have the process 
clarified in that fashion - more in line with the Kubler-Ross stages of 
grief, except in an expanded form.
What I was referring to by "witholding" was the process of 
decision-making by health care professional about a patient/client 
without any input from that person or, on occasion, without that 
person's knowledge. e.g. "we've decided not to tell her she is dying" 
or "we feel as if a radical mastectomy is the only option" without 
giving the complete information or alternatives to that person.
Maybe "fear" was not the best descriptive term but fear has many 
levels.  I referred to apprehension or resistance to opening one's self 
to developing interpersonal relationships, knowing full well that one 
becomes vulnerable to the pain of rejection....or developing a full 
friendship.  Have a good week!  Does it snow at this time of year, 
where you are?

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!271!210!Laura.Irby
Internet: Laura.Irby@f210.n271.z1.fidonet.org